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(Anti) Pattern for making additions over already existing data.


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DataAddons is a library (or framework?) created for Minecraft providing comfortable abstractions making additions over already existing data, generally, it is anti-pattern ans YOU SHOULDN'T USE IT in normal programms.
So why is it needed? It is needed for loading, storing, registering and processing of data addons and composing them out of different "sources" of data.


For now this library has no public repository artifact, so the only way you can use it is via jar.

dependencies {

Later We'll publish an artifact to a public repository.

Main concepts

Let's call types which have some data along with Minecraft's one data addons. These types have both native (Minecraft's) data and custom (plugin dev's) data. Usually native data serializes when Minecraft server stops, so every developer who has ever made "customX" class makes the same pattern every time:

  1. On server startup:
    • Execute a service looking for "native" data which has some tag distinguishes it from usual native data.
    • Execute service looking for "custom" data from its storage. (DB, serialized object, etc.)
    • Compose "native" and "custom" data into objects and "hold" these objects somewhere for further processing.
  2. While server running:
    • Process "held" objects.
    • Make new "custom" data from "native" if needed.
  3. On server shutdown:
    • Mark "custom" data generated from "native" while server running with "tag" which saves along with native data. (generally - NBT tag)
    • Save "custom" data to its storage. (DBs, serialization etc.)

As you probably noticed "these objects" which we construct, hold, process and store are data addons.

Quick Start.

In your JavaPlugin class make bootstrap.

public final class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
    final DataAddonBootstrap bootstrap = new DataAddonBootstrap();
    public void onEnable() {
        bootstrap.setContainer(GlobalGroupContainer.getInstance()); // 1.

    public void onDisable() {"Disabling Tablight Entities plugin...");
  1. It uses static GlobalGroupContainer, so you can interact with other registered types of other users,
    For non-static GroupContainer write new GroupContainer();.

What is com.example.registries? We call "registries" TypeRegistry, TypeHolder and StoreLoadController classes, what each registry do we'll discuss later. In com.example.registries you should define classes as:

public class ExampleTypeRegistry extends DefaultTypeRegistry {
public class ExampleTypeHolder extends ConcurrentTypeHolder {
public class ExampleController extends DefaultStoreLoadController {

Note that for proper connection these classes should have the same "group tag". And You can override their methods to define your own behaviour for "pre-processing" and "post-processing".

What is com.example.addons? It is our data addons classes, we use them in "registries". You should define data addon class as:

		identifier = "example", // 1.
		groupTag = "example-group", // 2.
		nativeClass = NativeExampleClass.class, // 3.
		lookup = ExampleDataAddonLookup.class
public class ExampleDataAddon {
	private String someString;
	private String someNativeStringData;

	public String getSomeString() {
		return someString;

	public String getSomeNativeStringData() {
		return someNativeStringData;

	public void setSomeNativeStringData(String someNativeStringData) {
		this.someNativeStringData = someNativeStringData;

	@Store // 4
	public void store() {
		someString = "store";

	@Load // 5
	public void load() {
		someString = "load";
  1. identifier is a unique ID in group in which this data addon registered.
  2. groupTag is the same group tag as you registered "registries" before, it tells a bootstrap that this data addon processes in "registries" which have the same groupTag in their annotations.
  3. nativeClass is a class which have "native" data.
  4. @Store annotation identifies method which stores "custom" data to its storage.
  5. @Load annotation is the same as @Store but loads "custom" data from its storage.

What is lookup? lookup is a class which looks for a "native" data (in Minecraft server) marked with some tag, and instantiates data addon with ONLY with "native" data, and puts this instance into a TypeHolder.
Let's take a look at this example:

public class NativeExample {
    private final String someNativeString;
    public NativeDummy(String nativeString) {
        this.someNativeString = nativeString;

    public String getSomeNativeString() {
        return someNativeString;
public class ExampleDataAddonLookup implements StoreLoadLookup<ExampleDataAddon, NativeExample> {

    private final Collection<NativeExample> nativeExamples = Lists.newArrayList( // we use a collection as an example, in plugins we use server data.
            new NativeExample("native1")

    public Supplier<Collection<ExampleDataAddon>> lookup() { // We return "lazy" Supplier returning collection instead of collection itself.
        return () -> -> {
            var dummy = new ExampleDataAddon();
            return dummy;

    public Stream<NativeExample> getNatives() { // We return "lazy" Stream instead of usual Collection.

I've written it all, how do I use it?
Now, let's back to DataAddonBootstrap, it has everything configured, look at this example:

public final class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {
    public void onEnable() {
        var typeReg = bootstrap.getRegistry(ExampleTypeRegistry.class);
        var typeHolder = bootstrap.getRegistry(ExampleTypeHolder.class);
        var controller = bootstrap.getRegistry(ExampleController.class);
        controller.lookupAndLoad(ExampleDataAddon.class); // it looks for this class using its lookup and loads "custom" data into "looked up" objects instances.
        Collection<ExampleDataAddon> heldExamples = typeHolder.getHeld(ExampleDataAddon.class); // You can obtain all configured data addons using holder.
        heldExamples.forEach(heldExample -> {
            System.out.println("Handling: " + heldExample.toString()); // And you handle them.
        });; // And you store it back.

That's all! For further reading, read the java docs in files. This Library has more functional I didn't show in this quick start, such as LMAX Disruptor events in TypeHolder, or manual bootstrapping without annotations.


Contributions are welcome! But you need to understand that your code will be used on TabLight's servers, so very slow or very hacky contributions will be denied.