No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Issue is related to Android TV
Issue needs to be fixed as soon as possible
Issue/PR is related to a bug
Improvements to the codebase to improve the code quality
Maintainer must double check/test/review this due to changes in API or architecture
Issues and PRs related to dependencies
Issues that only happen on some devices or with some specific hardware/software
This needs to be discussed before anything is done
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Help is wanted in fixing this issue
Waiting for user to respond with info
Generic Issue to track overall progress of specific issues preferably using markdown checkboxes
Related to the project but not strictly to code
Only relevant to a very small amount of people
Not really an issue, but more of a question about how something works
Issues and PR related to unit & UI tests
Issue is related to UI/UX
Issues currently not viable to solve or out of scope of the project
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