A web application that takes out that takes the indecision out of your next eat out adventure. Created using C# .NET Core MVC setup with full CRUD functionality.
- User can login on the splash page or create a new user to login.
- User can view their current settings for the distance and price range for restaurants they want the app to choose from.
- User can go to the edit page and make new price and distance range selections
- User can now go back to their settings page and choose to roll using their current settings.
- For returning users, there is an option to roll from their saved list of restaurants from past uses.
- On rolling for a new restaurant, user can see the restaurant selected by the app.
- User can eat at the restaurant or roll again.
- Based on user experience, user can choose to add this restaurant to their favorites.
- Returning users now have the option to either roll dice from their favorites or let the app roll dice to select a new restaurant.
- Production Database:
- Test Database:
- Tables in Database: favorites, restaurant_data, users and users_favorites
- Join Table: users_favorites
- Relationship: One To Many
- Download and install .Net Core 1.1.4
- Download and install Mono
- Download and install MAMP 4.5
- Go to GitHub profile and clone the repo from TanviCodeLife. Use
git clone <project url>
command to pull it to a local repository in your Home directory. - Open MAMP and start the Apache and MySql servers
- Navigate to MAMP > Tools > phpMyAdmin and import the RestaurantRoulette.sql file to create the database
- Navigate to MAMP > Tools > phpMyAdmin and import the RestaurantRoulette_Tests.sql file to create the test database
- Generate and add Google Maps API key to the project in RestaurantRoulette>>Views>>User>>All to the API call.
- Run
dotnet restore
from Main Project Folder (RestaurantRoulette) and Test Directory (RestaurantRoulette.Tests) to install packages - Run
dotnet build
from Main Project Folder and make sure no build errors appear. Rundotnet restore
after build is complete. - Run
dotnet restore
to compile tests and thendotnet test
from the Test Directory to run the testing suite. All tests should pass._ - Run
dotnet run
from Main Project Folder to start the server - Wait till you see this message display in you bash terminal - "Now listening on: http://localhost:xxxx" 1* Copy the local host link http://localhost:xxx and paste it into your web browser address bar. 1* Browse through the project.
- .Net Core 1.1.4
- MAMP 4.5 (phpMyAdmin)
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- JavaScript
- jQuery 3.3.1
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Tanvi Garg