TASK: AS AN employer I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples SO THAT I can review samples of their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position.
I have created a deployed portfolio to target employers so that they can view work samples. Therefore, they can review the samples and assess whether I am a good canditate for an open position.
To achieve this with HTML and CSS; -When my portfolio is loaded, they are presented with the name TAMARA SFERCO and an image of myself above the 'ABOUT ME' section. There is a navigation bar, which has links to sections ABOUT ME, MY PROJECTS, and a contact form that will CONTACT ME via email. The links jump/scroll to each section, for easier navigation. -The first Project shown in the work samples, is larger than the rest, for better visibility and acknowledgment. When the thumbnail image is clicked, it opens the deployed application described. -The website effectively suits both large and small screens, with the images resizing and the navbar changing from a dropdown navbar to a visible inline top navbar depending on the viewport.
GITHUB DEPLOYMENT: https://tamaradawg.github.io/MY-PORTFOLIO/