DESCRIPTION A book review app that assists users in finding new reads through the aid of other peer's ratings and reviews. After signing up, users have access to a large digital library allowing them to view information regarding a book's information such as the author, release date and synopsis. Users also have the option to customise their own profiles to distinguish themselves from other reviewers, as well as leave their own ratings and reviews.
USERSTORY As a book enthusiast, I want to use a book review app to discover, review, and share my thoughts on books, allowing me to connect with other readers and make informed reading choices.”
GIVEN a sign up page WHEN I first vist BetterReads
GIVEN a home page WHEN I login
GIVEN a results page WHEN I search for a book
GIVEN a book's cover, author, release date, synopsis, and other reviews/ratings left by other users (information page) WHEN I click on one of the search results
WHEN I write a review and click submit THEN a review that everyone can see is attached to the book's information page
WHEN I upload a photo THEN my chosen photo will become my new avatar
APIS Google Book's API: