- Linguagem no código (nome de varíaveis, funções, etc...): inglês
- Variáveis: CamelCase
- Funções: CamelCase & Arrow Function
- Pastas: CamelCase
- Interfaces: Começa com I, exemplo (IUser)
- routes: Pasta para organização das rotas globais.
- _tests__: Pasta para organização dos testes de funcionamento da API.
- controllers: Pasta para organização dos controllers.
- entities: Modelos para criação das entidades.
- errors: Fará o retorno dos erros da API.
- interfaces: Local onde ficarão as interfaces.
- middlewares: Pasta dos middlewares.
- schemas: Onde ficarão os schemas do yup.
- services: Paste de armazenamento dos services.
- bcryptjs
- jsonwebtoken
- cross-env
- dotenv
- express
- express-async-errors
- pg
- reflect-metadata
- typeorm
- supertest
- yup
- jest
- sqlite3
- ts-jest
- ts-node-dev
- typescrip
- Abra o seu terminal e digite $yarn para instalar as dependencias
- Configure as variáveis de ambiente no arquivo .env
- E para rodar a aplicação $yarn dev
Library API
This is an API made by Kenzie Academy students. The API works as a backend for an online bookstore.
- /users - Create, Update, List Delete and SoftDelete
- /login - Login user
- /profile - Get current user profile
- /books - Create, Update, List Delete and SoftDelete
- /categories - Create, Update, List and SoftDelete
- /orders - Create, Update, List and SoftDelete
- /carts - Create, Update, List and Delete
- /stocks - Get the number of selected book in stock
Request example:
"name": "Normal User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"isEmployee": false,
"password": "password123$"
Expected return:
"updatedAt": "2023-01-18T17:58:35.054Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-18T17:58:35.054Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "54c07e45-60c1-4a4d-b0f7-029f3983ee9a",
"isEmployee": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Normal User"
Request example:
"name": "employee User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password123$"
the only difference from the request above is that the employee has a true value instead of false
Expected return:
"updatedAt": "2023-01-18T17:58:35.054Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-18T17:58:35.054Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "54c07e45-60c1-4a4d-b0f7-029f3983ee9a",
"isEmployee": true,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Employee User"
Request example:
"name": "Normal User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"isEmployee": false
Expected return:
"message": "password is a required field"
Request example:
"name": "Normal User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"isEmployee": false,
"password": "password123$"
Expected return:
"message": "User already exists"
*Needs Headers with token.
Request example:
"name": "Normal User7 Green",
"email": "[email protected]"
Expected return:
"updatedAt": "2023-01-18T21:39:11.033Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-18T21:13:58.612Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "a5d26115-1d6a-4784-81b5-aff36754d2a9",
"isEmployee": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Normal User7"
Request example:
"name": "Normal User Green",
"email": "[email protected]"
Expected return:
"updatedAt": "2023-01-18T19:10:06.798Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-18T17:58:35.054Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "54c07e45-60c1-4a4d-b0f7-029f3983ee9a",
"isEmployee": true,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Normal User Green",
Expected return:
"message”: “Not authorized”
Expected return:
"message": "invalid id"
Expected return:
"message": "invalid signature"
Expected return:
"message”: “You don’t have permission”
*No body required.
*Needs Headers with token(with credential).
Request example:
Bearer: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxYjdkNzQ5MC0wNzUxLTQwMjUtOGYzOC1mNmJjOTY3MmVjMWMiLCJpc0FkbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNzc4NDk0LCJleHAiOjE2NzI4NjQ4OTR9.DCT3Xa2Jv8I0lOUF6i-w6zaFkGR5_6w1OPqQoNm9D0o"
Expected return:
"updatedAt": "2023-01-12T15:25:04.932Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-12T15:10:18.390Z",
"isActive": false,
"id": "04138b42-cd9e-4207-b690-bf09152a8d04",
"isEmployee": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "josue"
"updatedAt": "2023-01-17T20:01:24.782Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-17T20:01:24.782Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "f5e1f672-c9d1-4888-9cd4-0519d1ce0fcd",
"isEmployee": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Usuario Não Empregado"
"updatedAt": "2023-01-17T23:44:42.122Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-17T23:42:24.157Z",
"isActive": true,
"id": "0b55e860-38a8-40ec-afac-153793f0f346",
"isEmployee": true,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Lucas"
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Expected return:
"message": "User is not authorized"
##- Deleting Users (DELETE) /users/delete/:id
*No body required.
*Needs Headers with token.
*Must have the isEmployee credential or delete the user's own
Expected return:
No body returned for response
Expected return:
"message": "User not found"
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
*No body required.
*Needs Headers with token.
Expected return: No body returned for response
Expected return:
"message": "User not found"
Expected return:
"message": "Not authorized! You can just delete your own user."
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Expected return:
"message": "User is already inactive"
*Needs Headers with jwt token.
Request example:
Bearer: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxYjdkNzQ5MC0wNzUxLTQwMjUtOGYzOC1mNmJjOTY3MmVjMWMiLCJpc0FkbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNzc4NDk0LCJleHAiOjE2NzI4NjQ4OTR9.DCT3Xa2Jv8I0lOUF6i-w6zaFkGR5_6w1OPqQoNm9D0o"
“zipCode”: 12234-222,
“street”: “Down street”,
“number”: 123,
“neighborhood”: “next to plaza”,
“city”: “New York”,
“state”: “New York”,
Expected return:
“message”: “Address created”
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Expected return:
"message": "Forbidden"
Expected return:
"message": "Bad request"
*Needs Headers with jwt token(with credential).
Expected return:
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
“zipCode”: 12234-222,
“street”: “Down street”,
“number: 123,
“neighborhood”: “next to plaza”,
“city”: “New York”,
“state”: “New York”,
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
“zipCode”: 12234-222,
“street”: “Down street”,
“number: 123,
“neighborhood”: “next to plaza”,
“city”: “New York”,
“state”: “New York”,
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
*Needs Headers with jwt token.
Expected return:
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
“zipCode”: 12234-222,
“street”: “Down street”,
“number: 123,
“neighborhood”: “next to plaza”,
“city”: “New York”,
“state”: “New York”,
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not found”
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
*Needs Headers with jwt token.
Request example:
Bearer: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxYjdkNzQ5MC0wNzUxLTQwMjUtOGYzOC1mNmJjOTY3MmVjMWMiLCJpc0FkbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNzc4NDk0LCJleHAiOjE2NzI4NjQ4OTR9.DCT3Xa2Jv8I0lOUF6i-w6zaFkGR5_6w1OPqQoNm9D0o"
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
“zipCode”: 15144-200,
“street”: “Down street”,
“number: 123,
“neighborhood”: “next to Chile”,
“city”: “Rio de Janeiro”,
“state”: “Rio de Janeiro”,
Expected return:
“message”: “Address updated”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Expected return:
"message": "Unauthorized"
Expected return:
“message”: “Address updated”
*Needs Headers with jwt token.
Expected return:
“message”: “Address deleted”
Expected return:
“message”: “Address deleted”
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Request example:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password123$"
Expected return:
token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxYjdkNzQ5MC0wNzUxLTQwMjUtOGYzOC1mNmJjOTY3MmVjMWMiLCJpc0FkbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNzc4NDk0LCJleHAiOjE2NzI4NjQ4OTR9.DCT3Xa2Jv8I0lOUF6i-w6zaFkGR5_6w1OPqQoNm9D0o"
Request example:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password123$"
Expected return:
token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIxYjdkNzQ5MC0wNzUxLTQwMjUtOGYzOC1mNmJjOTY3MmVjMWMiLCJpc0FkbSI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjcyNzc4NDk0LCJleHAiOjE2NzI4NjQ4OTR9.DCT3Xa2Jv8I0lOUF6i-w6zaFkGR5_6w1OPqQoNm9D0o"
Request example:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password1zzzz$"
Expected return:
“message”: “Wrong email or password”
*Needs Headers with jwt token.
Expected return:
"id": "7bb2a285-0735-4b03-a9b1-27e595e26f86",
"name": "Normal User",
"email": "[email protected]",,
"isEmployee": false,
"isActive": true,
"id": "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
"createdAt": "2022-09-17T20:11:22.646Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-09-17T20:11:22.646Z"
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not found”
*Needs Headers token with credential.
Request example:
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsisponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis",
“category”: “Romance”
Expected return:
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsisponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis",
“category”: “Romance”
Request example:
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis",
“category”: “Romance”
Expected return:
“message”: “Missing data”
Request example:
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis synopsis",
“category”: “Romance”
Expected return:
“message”: “Book name is already have been used”
Request example:
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp",
“category”: “Romance”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
Request example:
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis synopsis",
“category”: “Romance”
Expected return:
“message”: “Unauthorized”
*Don't need Headers token.
Expected return:
"id": "e035e3da-0f7f-43e6-a1e3-867f1fe138cc",
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": "99.34",
"author": "The author",
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synops",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "8d274bc0-cf22-478a-ae3c-08fd42deabcf",
"category": {
"id": "1ce19407-5e4c-4f71-9160-133d2829439f",
"category_name": "Romance",
"description": "Leitura sobre historias de amor e paixao"
"id": "b7f72ce0-0f75-4dae-9fd6-1c7bc57a4e5d",
"name": "HSSSSSSSSSSSSaaaaaaaaaaa",
"price": "99.34",
"author": "The author",
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synops",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "982d3e6b-5f7e-45af-8293-70ece4a8e613",
"category": {
"id": "1ce19407-5e4c-4f71-9160-133d2829439f",
"category_name": "Romance",
"description": "Leitura sobre historias de amor e paixao"
*Don't need Headers token.
Expected return:
"id": "1118378e-e29b-4f50-b73a-8afe84d5dcaa",
"name": "Harry Potter d a Pedra Filosofal-123",
"price": "39.90",
"author": "jk rowling",
"synopsis": "Harry Potter é um garoto órfão de 10 anos que vive infeliz com seus tios.",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "b71fb962-c42b-49e4-a084-aa69fb8cd9c1",
"category": {
"id": "0dec7934-928b-4a23-afa1-8f5b0ea9ac9a",
"category_name": "Ficcao",
"description": "Criacao de caracter artistico, baseada na imaginacao"
Expected return:
“message”: “Book not found”
Expected return:
“message”: “Book not exists”
*Need Headers token.
Deleting a book - status 204
No expected return
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
*Need Headers token.
Expected return:
"id": "0445a43f-b305-4c0f-8c3a-d1adafe97853",
"name": "Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban",
"price": 39.5,
"author": "jk rowling",
"synopsis": "Harry Potter é um garoto órfão de 10 anos que vive infeliz com seus tios.",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "df597f6a-f6a3-48d5-a2b0-e418efb98b83",
"category": {
"id": "0dec7934-928b-4a23-afa1-8f5b0ea9ac9a",
"category_name": "Ficcao",
"description": "Criacao de caracter artistico, baseada na imaginacao."
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
*Don't need Headers token.
Expected return:
"id": "af199e32-f0c4-4a9a-93ac-2c5fbd9ffb12",
"category_name": "Direito",
"description": "Livros sobre doutrinas brasileiras"
"id": "9c0d858f-cfe3-4cfb-894c-a4db4e9ae2ef",
"category_name": "Acao",
"description": "Livros genero acao"
"id": "0dec7934-928b-4a23-afa1-8f5b0ea9ac9a",
"category_name": "Ficcao",
"description": "Criacao de caracter artistico, baseada na imaginacao, mesmo se idealizada a partir de dados reais"
*Don't need Headers token.
Expected return:
"id": "af199e32-f0c4-4a9a-93ac-2c5fbd9ffb12",
"category_name": "Direito",
"description": "Livros sobre doutrinas brasileiras"
Expected return:
"message": "invalid input syntax for type uuid: \"545\""
Expected return:
“message”: “Category not found”
*Need Headers token.
Expected return:
"isActive": true,
"cart": {
"id": "7afec6c7-75e9-41fc-995b-69ea8c92cc3c",
"status": "open"
"book": {
"id": "1118378e-e29b-4f50-b73a-8afe84d5dcaa",
"name": "Harry Potter d a Pedra Filosofal-123",
"price": "39.90",
"author": "jk rowling",
"synopsis": "Harry Potter é um garoto órfão de 10 anos que vive infeliz.",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "b71fb962-c42b-49e4-a084-aa69fb8cd9c1",
"category": {
"id": "0dec7934-928b-4a23-afa1-8f5b0ea9ac9a",
"category_name": "Ficcao",
"description": "Criacao de caracter artistico."
"id": "a21e6239-00e4-4ad7-9c92-8de4c0ad429c"
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
*Need Headers token.
Expected return:
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62"
“status”: “closed”
“userId”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62"
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
"name": "How to be a billionaire",
"price": 99.344,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis",
“id”: "dd2f4148-65b2-4202-adfd-863638bd3b62",
"name": "There are many products in your cart",
"price": 31.44,
"author": “The author”,
"synopsis": "Synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis ponysos soysinp synopsis",
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not found”
*Need Headers token.
Expected return:
“message”: “Cart item soft deleted”
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not found”
*Need Headers token.
Delete a cart book - status 200
No expected return
Expected return:
“message”: “Bad data”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not found”
*Need Headers token with credential.
Expected return:
"book_qntd": 600,
"book": "0445a43f-b305-4c0f-8c3a-d1adafe97853",
"id": "aee11f9f-6c85-40fa-8199-2bdc71cc2155"
Expected return:
“message”: “Book already have stock”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not possible.”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not possible.”
*Need Headers token with credential.
Expected return:
"id": "aee11f9f-6c85-40fa-8199-2bdc71cc2155",
"book_qntd": 600,
"book": {
"id": "0445a43f-b305-4c0f-8c3a-d1adafe97853",
"name": "Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro do Clube do Bolinha",
"price": "39.50",
"author": "jk rowling",
"synopsis": "Harry Potter é um garoto órfão de 10 anos que vive infeliz.",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "df597f6a-f6a3-48d5-a2b0-e418efb98b83"
"id": "e8354dfb-8555-4d29-9978-628625a5bebf",
"book_qntd": 344,
"book": {
"id": "8aa57019-bd42-4231-bbd7-9d3dc314b626",
"name": "Harry Potter e a Grande Pedra",
"price": "39.90",
"author": "jk rowling",
"synopsis": "Harry Potter é um garoto órfão de 10 anos que vive infeliz.",
"booksCategories": [
"id": "d88a5ece-467a-4b70-b302-bdb57dd591d6"
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
*Need Headers token with credential.
Expected return:
"id": "e8354dfb-8555-4d29-9978-628625a5bebf",
"book_qntd": 80
Expected return:
“message”: “Not possible.”
Expected return:
“message”: “Not authorization”
Expected return:
“message”: “Invalid signature”
Expected return:
“message”: “Stock not exists.”