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Joost Ellerbroek edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 8 revisions

The stack module

BlueSky gives complete control over the simulation through its own 'scripting language' called TrafScript. The stack is the module that parses these commands. A complete list of built-in stack commands can be found here.

Stack commands can come from four sources:

  • From scenario files. These consist of a time-stamped list of TrafScript commands, which together can be run as a complete scenario.
  • From network communication to/from BlueSky. BlueSky can be connected over TCP to send it simulation commands. See for an example here.
  • Directly from the interface. The BlueSky interface has a command line, that can be used to interact with the simulation using TrafScript commands.
  • From inside a plugin, using the stack() function defined below.

Construction of functions in the stack

By default, the stack contains a large list of functions. In addition, more functions can be added to the stack from BlueSky plugins. In your plugin, functions and methods can be registered as stack functions using the command and commandgroup decorators:

from bluesky.core import Entity
from bluesky.stack import command
from bluesky import traf

class Example(Entity):
    def npassengers(self, ac: 'acid', n: int = None):
        ''' Set the number of passengers for an aircraft.

            - ac: Callsign of the aircraft
            - n: Number of passengers (optional. When no number is given, current number of passengers is printed)
        if n is None:
            return True, f'Aircraft {[ac]} has {self.n[ac]} passengers'
        self.n[ac] = n
        return True, f'Number of passengers for aircraft {[ac]} set to {self.n[ac]}'

The resulting stack function:

When used without arguments, the command decorator creates a stack function with the command name set equal to the name of the python function/method that is decorated. The above example thus creates a stack function called NPASSENGERS. If a different name is required this can be indicated as argument to command:

    @command(name='SETPAX', aliases=('PAX', 'PAXCOUNT'))
    def npassengers(self, ac: 'acid', n: int = None):

As shown in the above example, additional command aliases can be indicated as well, using a tuple of strings.

When present, the docstring of a function/method (indicated with the triple quotes at the beginning of the function) will be used as a help text in BlueSky: For the above example, when a user types HELP NPASSENGERS, the text in the docstring is printed in the text area of the BlueSky window.

Specifying argument types

In BlueSky, commands that come from scenario files, from the command line, or from the network, are formatted in plain text. The Stack decodes these plain-text arguments into the required function arguments, but of course it needs to know what to expect for each argument. This is indicated for each argument of a stack function using argument annotations (the colon (:) notation shown also in the example). Here, basic type annotations (int,float,str,bool) are accepted, as well as string-annotations of BlueSky-specific argument types (see table below). In addition, alternative types can be indicated with a slash ('/'), and arguments can be made optional by providing a default value (=). In the NPASSENGERS example above, the first argument is mandatory, and the second is optional. The table below describes the argument types recognised by the BlueSky stack.

Type Resulting value description
txt Upper-case word The most basic argument type. No parsing is performed. Argument ends at the first space or comma.
word case-sensitive word Same as txt, but not converted to all uppercase.
string Case-sensitive string of all arguments Special case: arguments are not parsed separately. Instead the whole argument string is passed as a whole to the function. Used, for instance, for the ECHO command.
float Floating-point value Basic numerical (floating-point) values.
int Integer value Basic numerical (integer) values.
bool/onoff Boolean Basic boolean (true/false) value. Parses True/False, ON/OFF, Yes/No, 1/0.
acid Aircraft index Parses an aircraft callsign, returns its index in the Traffic attribute vectors.
wpinroute string Looks for a waypoint in the route of the currently addressed aircraft (most often this aircraft is also referenced explicitly in the same function).
wpt string Returns a formatted waypoint name, based on a number of possible position arguments. See latlon for possible position inputs.
latlon (lat,lon) float vector Parses a number of position arguments.
Valid position texts with examples:
lat/lon: N52.12,E004.23,N52'14'12',E004'23'10
navaid/fix: SPY,OA,SUGOL
airport: EHAM
runway: EHAM/RW06 LFPG/RWY23
callsign: KL204
spd speed in m/s (float) Parses speed inputs, automatically distinguishing between mach and knots.
vspd Vertical speed in m/s (float) Parses vertical speed, and converts from FPM to m/s.
alt Altitude in meters (float) Parses altitude, accepts feet and flight levels (e.g., FL300).
hdg Heading in degrees (float) Parses heading. Accepts true (090T) and magnetic (120M).
time Time in seconds (float) Parses time. Accepts seconds, or time notation (12:30:00).
color A named colour, or an RGB tuple.

If you need to parse an argument whose type is not listed here, either use the 'txt' type and parse it yourself, or propose a new argument type for the stack.

Stack functions:


This function returns the name of the currently running scenario. This corresponds either to the name given by the SCEN command, or otherwise the filename of the scenario that was loaded.


Stack a TrafScript command given by cmdline. For example:

from bluesky import stack
stack.stack('PAN KLAX;ZOOM 2')

Puts the command on the stack to pan the radarscreen to LA airport, and set the zoom to two. This will be executed the next time the stack is updated.

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