This little program makes your life just a bit better, when you have to be seen on excel/google calc and the company don't want to pay you.
- 1 - dot - inserting a dot into a random cell in excell, without deleting it's original content, then waiting from 12 to 180 secodns to move to the next one.
- 2 - message - I get it, they screwed you over big time. Now you can replace random excell cells with your message of choice! (ex. pay me now!)
I am not responsible for any consequences that using this software may bring upon you. Have fun! ;)
- install python3 and requirements.
- run a terminal instance, then type import pyautogui . Position your mouse where the row you're "editing" is. Type in terminal pyuatogui.position(). Press enter.
- put result values into conf.json in cell: [x, y].
- Do the same with name (name of the row/column you're editing, the program can email you that) and field (the very end of excel input field)
- into conf.json insert "command" - if you have macos or "control" - if you run linux or windows
- run the program and enjoy your life!
- "cell" - [x, y] - where's the cell you're supposed to be editing.
- "name" - [x, y] - where's name of that cell.
- "field" - [x, y] - where's input field on you calc software.
- "button" - control/command - depending on os
- "email" - 1/0 - do you want to receive email with list of edited cells when the program is done?
- em_host - ex. ""
- em_user = [email protected]
- em_password = i don't have to explain that one, do i?
- em_recepient = same, [email protected]
- em_footer = a message as a h3 after a list of edited cells.
You can leave the em_* values blank if you don't want the emails. The program does it's own logging to a file.