We have developed this Rest API for a Online Nursery Plant Portal Application . This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations.
This was a Collaborative project developed by team of 5 members.
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Login Module
- Admin Module
- Customer Module
- Planter Module
- Plant Module
- Seed module
- Orders Module
Services Offered
- User Login and Signup.
- Admin can add planter, plants and seeds.
- Customer can buy planters, plant and seed.
- Customer can see all orders history.
- Built authentication while login and logout using key.
- Stored the data on MySQL and used it for Authentication.
- Deployed the website on GitHub.
- Before running the API server , you should update tha database config inside the application.properties file as per your Local database config..
- After running this program in spring boot we have to hit this url to see all the API's in swagger [http://localhost:8585/swagger-ui/]