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Releases: SteveGilham/altcover

Byakko series Release 7

30 Mar 14:48
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  • Branch coverage for --opencover. Note that AltCover takes a rather more conservative approach to detecting "significant" branch points than does OpenCover : it excludes all branches that are entirely internal to a reported sequence point in the source (thus eliminating the many and various sorts of compiler-surprise hidden branching that may include sequence points with no corresponding source location); additionally, if two or more exits from a branch go to the same place, they are considered to constitute only one branch-point in the report, rather than being counted separately.
  • Bonus feature -- -c|callContext tracking also applies to branch visits
  • Also take the latest VS2017 and FAKE updates for building

Byakko series Release 6

24 Mar 12:57
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No functional changes this release, just updates of consumed components and tooling

  • Take the Cecil 0.10.0 final release, having worked around the issues with unit testing in .net core with NUnit3TestAdapter 3.10, which links the beta6 version, which has a subset of the internal API present in the full release.
  • Take the latest VS2017 and FAKE updates for building

Byakko series Release 5

23 Mar 18:26
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NOTE: The main executable still links the Mono.Cecil 0.10-beta7 version, as the 0.10 final version causes issues with some build tools that haven't caught up with events. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not link Cecil at all. Until the wrinkles are ironed out or worked around, I make this disclaimer instead.


  • -c|callContext option to track (when collecting the coverage data in "runner" mode) what led to a particular line of code being visited -- either by being called from a method of a specified name or with a specified attribute (unit testing, in the main), or by time of visit (which would be more appropriate for system testing). Methods (typically, unit tests) may be tracked even if they are in assemblies that are excluded from instrumentation via the -ecommand line parameter.

Byakko series Release 4

13 Mar 14:01
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

2.0.330 (Byakko series release 4)

  • "y|symbolDirectory=" option to provide other locations to find symbols for the instrumented assemblies. The search order goes -- location in the debug header, co-located (.pdb than .mdb), then supplied locations tested in order for .pdb than .mdb

Byakko series Release 3

10 Mar 14:05
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

2.0.324 (Byakko series release 3)

  • Option --opencover now generates values for MethodPoint tags when collecting the coverage data in "runner" mode
  • When a process is launched from altcover, the command line is now echoed to stdout
  • Build changes : Visual Studio 15.6.1, and latest FAKE 5 beta releases (beta 24); modified the full-framework builds to emit portable .pdb files on Mono, so the travis-ci tests now get coverage for the framework build
  • [BUGFIX] altcover.core.fsproj will now build if the Platform is set (previously only AnyCPU, explicitly or by default, would work)
  • Other x86 related information added to the wiki

Byakko series Release 2

02 Mar 11:04
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

2.0.300 (Byakko series release 2)

  • [BUGFIX] OpenCover format output now works correctly when classes or methods are filtered out of the coverage
  • Option --opencover now generates cyclomatic complexity values while generating the report file
  • Option --opencover now generates roll-up statistics "visitedSequencePoints", "visitedMethods", "visitedClasses", "sequenceCoverage" in Summary tags, and "visited", "sequenceCoverage" in Method tags when collecting the coverage data in "runner" mode

Byakko series Release 1-pre

24 Feb 19:20
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

2.0.273 (Byakko series release 1)

  • Option --opencover to output coverage data in a sub-set of the OpenCover format (sufficient for use with ReportGenerator and, at least)
  • [BUGFIX] AltCover now exits with the exit code of any process it launches. In particular if the runner mode is used to launch unit tests, and not all tests pass, then the failure code will be propagated. Otherwise 0 for success and 255 for any other error.
  • Moved to FAKE 5 (dotnet fake) for build, and related streamlining of the build scripts

Araiguma (respin)

14 Feb 09:25
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

1.6 (Araiguma respin)

  • Remove the last vestiges of the pipe-based solution, some redundant code in the non-runner case that did nothing (but waste cycles) in the RC.

Araiguma respin RC 1

08 Feb 18:14
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Araiguma respin RC 1 Pre-release

NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

1.6-rc (Araiguma respin release candidates)

  • Moved to FAKE 5 (classic) for build and related streamlining of the build scripts
  • Performance tuning for the coverage gathering (trade off of async+backlog vs strict synchronous gathering) -- observed faster than OpenCover on like-for-like tests
  • Fixed an intermittent spin-wait and fail in the unit tests
  • Removed obsolete code that catered to Mono.Cecil 0.9.5 limitations

Araiguma respin beta 2

04 Feb 15:01
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NOTE: The main executable links the still in beta (after more than a year) Mono.Cecil 0.10 version. The binary injected into the instrumented code does not. Rather than hold my releases on the Mono.Cecil schedule, I make this disclaimer instead.

1.6-beta (Araiguma respin preview)

  • simplified and hopefully more robust concurrency handling for the data collection.
  • reduced size of the intermediate files (to under 5% of the previous sizes for large runs) compared with previous beta
  • NOTE this breaks compatibility between previously instrumented code and the new runner (and vice versa); in general, only same-version components are supported.