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Releases: SteveGilham/altcover

Habu series release 21

21 Mar 20:22
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  • [BUGFIX] Issue #179 - Improve and strengthen the heuristic for locating dependent assemblies, possibly slightly speeding the look-up in the process by eliminating potentially duplicated effort.

Habu series release 20

16 Mar 22:18
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  • [BUGFIX] Issue #178 - possible NRE when instrumenting woven code e.g. using Fody
  • [AvaloniaVisualizer] Now requires net5.0 or later
  • Supports Fake 6.0.0. This is probably the last release that will support earlier versions, as 5.23.1 is almost 6 months old.
  • Supports net8.0 previews 1,2 (so far, no nasty surprises like with the 7.0.100 release)

Habu series release 19

01 Jan 19:01
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  • [GTKVisualizer] Fix an off-by-one crash for coverlet generated files
  • [AvaloniaVisualizer] Fix possible crash launching the About dialog
  • [Visualizer] Display coverage percentages against nodes of the tree (known issue that the synthetic F# module nodes are not thus decorated)
  • [Visualizer] Improve handling of larger coverage files by deferring more processing until the tree model is actually expanded.
  • [API] Types Options.CLI, Options.Logging, Options.Prepare and Options.Collect in namespace AltCover; concrete implementations of the ICLIOptions, ILoggingOptions and IPrepareOptions and ICollectOptions respectively, with getter and setter for each property. Default values for the latter two are as per the corresponding Primitive record types.
  • [API] Also on the AltCover.Fake package in the AltCoverFake.DotNet.Testing namespace (except Options.Logging which is not useful in that context)

Habu series release 18

25 Dec 17:25
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  • [VISUALIZER] As the relevant Avalonia issue is long resolved, move to having separate dialog boxes for the Avalonia Visualizer's "About" and message box, as in the GTK# version.
  • ref struct types have an autogenerated [Obsolete] attribute with a standard comment - detect and ignore such attributes. See for details.

Habu series release 17

19 Nov 13:44
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  • To support Cake 3.0, move the Cake API assembly from AltCover.Api to a new package AltCover.Cake; this contains libraries built against Cake 2.0.0 at netcoreapp3.1 as well as the old ones built against Cake 1.0.0 at netstandard2.0 (present but in practice obsolete).
  • Following's policy of deprecating releases older then 6 months, drop support for versions before 5.23
  • [BREAKING] Rename AltCover.Cake.DotNet.DotNetCoreTest to AltCover.Cake.DotNet.DotNetTest (even in the obsolete 1.0.0 build) to match the changes in the Cake APIs (and consequent chage to the test setting type in the argument list). Similarly, in the version >= 2.0.0 build, the type AltCover.Cake.DotNet is now a [CakeAliasCategory("DotNet")] rather than [CakeAliasCategory("DotNetCore")]
  • [API] New DotNet APIs for Fake support - ToTestPropertiesList method to emit a list of (name,value) pairs to allow customised property passing to dotnet test in the wake of the v7.0.100 regression.
  • [API] Additionally ImportModuleProperties and GetVersionProperties values that are additonal lists of (name,value) pairs to append as needed.

Habu series release 16

17 Oct 07:46
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  • New option --trivia to omit coverage of sequence points containing no logic (no-op, return or unconditional branches only)
  • Added context for exceptions thrown during instrumentation. This is aimed at tracing what was being inspected when exceptions arise from Mono.Cecil being presented with a new corner case.

Habu series release 15

13 Sep 13:01
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  • [BUGFIX] -- Issue #161: Add retry logic to ContingentCopy task
  • [BUGFIX] -- Issue #165: Work around Cecil issue #873 by omitting debug information for constants that cause that issue. N.B. will not catch cases in methods that are not instrumented.

Habu series release 14

30 Jun 12:28
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  • [GTK-VISUALIZER] Fix off-by-one error in markup for the very last line of the file
  • [BUGFIX] -- Out-of-process APIs generating dotnet test: fix to allow activating ZipFile, MethodPoint, SingleVisit and SourceLink
  • [BUGFIX] -- Issue #156: Out-of-process APIs generating dotnet test: fix /p:AltCoverDependencyList to work around the behaviour of dotnet test with an argument ending .dll or .exe. Users rolling their own command lines, note that the assembly list is separated and terminated with '|' characters. The --dependency command line argument for the tool is not affected.
  • [BUGFIX] -- Issue #156: Make explicit dependencies through --dependency have priority over other assembly resolution lookup. This works around a Mono.Cecil misfeature (Mono.Cecil issue #863) where the netstandard2.0 Cecil binaries do not consider the GAC for Framework system assemblies, but instead will find stubs in dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App for e.g. .net Framework WPF related assemblies
  • [BUGFIX] -- Improve selection of non-embedded symbol files (between location in assembly debug header, the same directory as the assembly and any --symbolDirectory values) to avoid symbol mismatch when there are multiple possible files on offer
  • Add a --verboseoption for AltCover, the converse of -q. Away from the command line, adds meaning to the Verbosity option value System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Verbose. Currently Verbose output shows more of the selection of files for instrumentation, noting when files are excluded from the process, symbol file selection etc.
  • Add a matching field, ILoggingOptions.Verbose, to the API as a sink to capture verbose output.
  • Other minor build process adjustments for SDK 6.0.300/F# 6.0.4, 6.0.5

Habu series release 13

10 Mar 17:35
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  • [VISUALIZER] Critical bug fixes for GTK and Avalonia : mismatched new icon names causing crashes
  • [VISUALIZER] Use new coverage data icon for the coverage report file, not a generic report icon

Habu series release 12

10 Mar 16:28
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  • [BUGFIX] Fix project file path handling in Cake support
  • [BUGFIX] Improve heuristic to recognise (and ignore) state-machine injected branches in async methods; this may cause subtle changes, up or down, in branch detection for other generated code ("hidden" sequence points) contexts with branches
  • Use VS2022 icons in the Visualizer