You want to run Horizon under a debugger? You'll need stellar-core and postgres running. This project creates a docker instance that runs stellar core and postgres with two tables, coredb and horizondb. Run VSCode, open stellar/go put this in your launch.json
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"env": {
"DATABASE_URL": "postgres://stellar:password@localhost:6432/horizondb?sslmode=disable",
"STELLAR_CORE_DATABASE_URL": "postgres://stellar:password@localhost:6432/coredb?sslmode=disable",
"STELLAR_CORE_URL": "http://localhost:11626",
"FRIENDBOT_URL": "http://localhost:8004/",
"LOG_LEVEL": "info",
"INGEST": "true",
"NETWORK_PASSPHRASE": "Test SDF Network ; September 2015",
Run the docker:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Now click the Launch button in VSCode on top left and it will run Horizon and use this core/postgress and you can debug.
A directory will appear in this project directory named 'stellar' which holds the files for core and the postgres data for core and horizon running in Docker.
You can delete this to reset core and the data bases. But if you do, core will have to resync which can be slow, delete only what you need to reset.
You can monitor stellar-core with:
docker logs --tail=500 --follow support-core
Or you can omit the -d and see the output from core
You have to launch this separately. This is optional and uneccessary (but fun).
Go to go/services/friendbot and type 'go build'
Edit the friendbot.cfg.
- Change port to 8004 (matches what is set above)
- Create a new account and add a bunch of testnet stellar
- Fill in friendbot_secret with the secret from the new account
- horizon_url = "http://localhost:8000"
- starting_balance = "100.00" (or more if you want)
Launch friendbot:
$ ./friendbot
Create a new keypair on Stellar Laboratory
Friendbot requests look like http://localhost:8000/friendbot?addr=G..X
Horizon is set to forward /friendbot to your service on 8004