Easily write readable and structure Instrumented Android tests without boilerplate and code duplication using Kotlin DSL and infix notation. Comes with a lot of built-in assertions and view actions to test most common scenarios.
Writing instrumented tests can be a pain and frustrating task in Android world which makes a lot of developers avoid it. Coffee makes it easier and much faster.
A list of supported views and respective assertions/actions is available below.
- Easy API with Kotlin DSL and infix methods
- Structure instrumented tests with Pages and Views
- Avoid AmbiguousMatcher in ViewPager
- Automatically tries to scroll to target view if necessary
- A lot of built-in assertions
- Only one method to work with shouldBe
- Extensible create your custom views if needed
- Works with RecyclerViews, ScrollViews and ListViews, select elements by position or matcher
- Works with Horizontal and NestedScrollViews
This library is based on Martin' s Fowler Page Object Pattern https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html.
Everything is organised in Pages and CoffeeViews. There is a single method shouldBe that is used to assert properties on views.
Define the page that contains references to the view you want to act on.
class RelativePage : Page<RelativePage>() {
val relativeView: RelativeLayoutCoffeeView = RelativeLayoutCoffeeView(R.id.layout)
// You can pass a resource ID or a Matcher<View>
val title: TextCoffeeView = TextCoffeeView(R.id.title)
val image: ImageCoffeeView = ImageCoffeeView(R.id.image)
val editText: EditTextCoffeeView = EditTextCoffeeView(R.id.editText)
fun testRelativeLayout() {
val page = RelativePage()
page {
relativeView {
layoutGravity shouldBe Gravity.CENTER
gravity shouldBe Gravity.CENTER
// Check TextView properties, text size, text style, etc...
title {
textAllCaps shouldBe true
textStyle shouldBe ITALIC
drawableStart shouldBe R.drawable.ic_launcher_background
// Check ImageView properties
image {
scaleType shouldBe CENTER_CROP
alpha shouldBe 0.8F
// Check if image is below title view
// Write "Some value" in EditText
editText.write("Some value")
class LinearPage : Page<LinearPage>() {
val linearLayout: LinearLayoutCoffeeView = LinearLayoutCoffeeView(R.id.layout)
val title: CoffeeView = CoffeeView(R.id.title)
val popupMenu: PopupMenuCoffeeView = PopupMenuCoffeeView()
fun testLinearPage() {
val page = LinearPage()
page {
linearLayout {
layoutGravity shouldBe Gravity.CENTER
gravity shouldBe Gravity.CENTER
orientation shouldBe VERTICAL
title {
weight shouldBe 0.5F
// Click on view to open popmenu
popupMenu {
// Check item count
itemsNr shouldBe 3
// Item ao position 0, click and check if
// ScrollActivity is open.
itemAt(0) {
title shouldBe R.string.action_settings
Coffee works with RecyclerViews and ListViews with single or multiple view types. You just need to define a factory that will retrieve the view for each type you want.
Let's see how it works:
// Recycler page defines a RecyclerCoffeeView whose children are CityViews instances
class RecyclerPage : Page<RecyclerPage>() {
val recyclerView: RecyclerCoffeeView = RecyclerCoffeeView(R.id.list) { add<CityView> { CityView(it) } }
// Define CityView, when working with Recycler and ListView, extend AdapterCoffeeView.
class CityView(matcher: Matcher<View>) : AdapterCoffeeView<CityView>(matcher) {
val title: TextCoffeeView = TextCoffeeView(withId(R.id.name))
val page = RecyclerPage()
page {
recyclerView {
// Check is using correct layout manager
itemCount shouldBe 50
// Interact with view at position 0
atPos<CityView>(0) {
title {
text shouldBe "Albania"
A Page represents a screen in you app. There are two types of Pages you can extend: Page and PageWithToolbar.
A Page has a set of actions you can perform:
- changeToLandscape()
- changeToPortrait()
- navigateBack()
- isOpen< T>() // Checks if an activity is open, this needs IntentsTestRule
- isClosed(activityRule)
PageWithToolbar is just a convenience class that receives a Toolbar and AppBar id in constructor and has a Toolbar and AppBar view.
class SomePage : PageWithToolbar<ScrollPage>(R.id.toolbar, R.id.appbar)
// Up navigation
title shouldBe "Some title"
Here a list of available views and respective properties and actions you can use. Every property and action available in CoffeeView is also available on other views.
Android View | Coffee View | Properties | Actions | Positional |
View | CoffeeView | (Available for every coffee view below) isVisibile, isGone, childrenNr, backgroundColor(colors,drawables), elevation(android 5+), isClickable, isNotClickable, weight, alpha | (Available for every coffee view below) click(), longClick() | (Available for every coffee view below) isAbove() isBelow() isLeftOf() isRightOf() |
TextView | TextCoffeeView | text, textStyle, textSize, gravity, textAllCaps, textColor, drawableStart, drawableEnd, drawableTop, drawableBottom | ||
Button | ButtonCoffeeView | Same as TextView | ||
EditText | EditTextCoffeeView | Same as TextView | write() | |
ImageView | ImageCofeeView | scaleType | ||
ImageButton | ImageButtonCoffeeView | text, textColor, textSize, scaleType | ||
LinearLayout | LinearLayoutCoffeeView | orientation, gravity | ||
RelativeLayout | RelativeLayoutCoffeeView | gravity | ||
ViewGroup | ViewGroupCoffeView | layoutGravity | ||
Popmenu | PopmenuCoffeeView | itemsNr, itemTitle | itemAt(pos), click() | |
RecyclerView | RecyclerCoffeeView | itemCount, usingGridLayoutManager, usingLinearLayoutManager | atPos(pos), scrollToPos(pos), scrollToTop() | |
ScrollView, NestedScrollView | ScrollCoffeeView | scrollToTop(), scrollToBottom(), scrollTo(viewId), scrollToViewWithTag(tag), scrollToViewWithText(text), scrollToViewWithMatcher(matcher) | ||
ViewPager | ViewPagerCoffeeView | swipeForward(), swipeBackward() | ||
Toolbar | ToolbarCoffeeView | title, subtitle, backButtonIsVisible | clickBackButton |
Just add gradle dependency, see the latest commit/release available in https://jitpack.io/#Sserra90/Coffee
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Sserra90:Coffee:Tag'