As part of the applciation process, we would like you to complete an AngularJS exam.
Please let us know in the comments when you expect you will be able to complete the exam.
Process Street AngularJS Test
Currently in we support the ability for users to upload their own videos (in addition to letting them use videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia).
Some time back we made a deal with Wistia that lets us upload and serve videos via their platform.
We want you to use the Blueimp File Upload plugin and Wistia to let users upload video to a Wistia account (which will eventually be our account, but you can use a free one for now).
Here’s the Blueimp plugin:
Here’s a link to the Wistia Upload API:
Basically what we want you to do create an Angular directive that wraps the Wistia uploader. The directive should work like this.
You click an upload button. You pick a file. The widget uploads the file to Wistia, showing progress in a progress bar of some sort (can be from Bootstrap). Once the file completes uploading, it shows as an embedded Wistia video player.