Gym environment for a trash finding robot
Current supported versions: Python 3.10x
Required Packages: gym
Sample for registering a VacuumLand env with a 20x20 board with 10 trash, a penalty, 400 max steps, and cardinal actions
from vacuum_land import VacuumLand, ActionType
import gym
env_kwargs = {
'height' : 20, 'width' : 20, 'trash' : 10,
'as_image' : False, 'penalty' : True, 'seed' : 0,
'max_steps' : 400, "action_type" : ActionType.CARDINAL,
from vacuum_land import VacuumLand, ActionType
env = VacuumLand(height=5, width=5, trash=5, as_image=False, penalty=True, max_steps=25, seed=0)
# VacuumLand.register()
# env = gym.make("VacuumLand-v0")
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
action = env.action_space.sample()
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
- height
- Height of the grid
- default = 5
- width
- Width of the grid
- default = 5
- trash
- How many pieces of trash to randomly place in the grid
- default = 5
- as_image
- When True: Returns the observation as (Channel, Height, Width) in PyTorch image format
- When False: Returns the observation as (Height, Width)
- default = False
- penalty
- The penalty for taking a step in the environment that doesn't have a piece of trash on it.
- When True: Penalty for taking entering a space without trash is -0.01
- When False: No penalty is applied for taking a step
- When Numerical Type: Custom value for penalty (Ex. -0.5)
- default = True
- max_steps
- The maximum number of steps for the environment
- When None: Defaults to Height * Width
- When Int: Custom defined number for max steps (Ex. 400)
- default = None (Height * Width)
- reward
- The reward to return when the robot steps over a piece of trash
- When None: Defaults to 1 / trash
- When Numerical Type: Custom value for reward (Ex. 1)
- seed
- The seed for environment creation/reset
- When None: Randomly seeds the environment when calling np.random.shuffle()
- When Int: Custom value for seed, gets called during reset in np.random.seed(seed)
- default = None
- action_type
- The type of actions you want the environment to use
- When ActionyType.CARDINAL: Cardinal directions for movement
- When ActionType.DIAGONAL: Cardinal and diagonal directions for movement
- default = ActionType.CARDINAL
- Get code to follow PEP8 standard
- Convert to a PyPi package to install instead of including the file
- Make it check which version of Python the virtual environment is using, so it can adapt to using different version of Python
- Register the environment on inclusion of the file
- Handle environment with changing starting positions
- Handle having obstacles in the environment (such as holes and walls)
- Have different style of reward (more than just 1 / total trash)
- Multiple styles of action (Cardinal, Diagonal, etc)
- Better environment rendering (PyGame or OpenCV as well as text based)
- Ability to render the environment with a frame rate
- Ability to render the environment for a human to play
- Ability to play a game as human in a better rendered environment
- Make the seed function properly seed the environment (deprecated and handled inside reset)
- Ability to set custom boards
- Modifiers to player/trash value (instead of 1/2 for as_image=False and 122/255 for as_image=True)
- Make a wrapper for registering the env that allows for kwargs