SpotveeC v3.0.2
- Updated EeveeSpotify to Swift 4.2.
- (EeveeSpotify) Real fix for crashes with LRCLIB
- (EeveeSpotify) The tweak now searches only songs on Genius (no articles anymore)
- (EeveeSpotify) Improved URLSession intercepts (fixes whoeevee/EeveeSpotify#182 and likely resolves login issues)
- (EeveeSpotify) Fixed iPad Musixmatch token and blank area issues
- (EeveeSpotify) Added Lyrics Colors option
- (EeveeSpotify) Added version section and checking for update
- Updated Spotify to version 8.9.48
Vanilla IPA decrypted using a fork of BagBak, on my personal MacBook Air and Jailbroken iPhone XR running Dopamine, feel free to contact me with questions about this environment.
App .ipa modified and tweaks injected using Sideloadly.
VirusTotal Results
Spotify Version: v8.9.48
Vanilla Spotify VirusTotal
EeveeSpotify Version: Swift 4.2
EeveeSpotify .deb VirusTotal
Orion Runtime (iOS 14 - 16) Version: 1.0.1
Orion Runtime (iOS 14 - 16) .deb VirusTotal
SwiftProtobuf Framework Version: 1.26.0
SwiftProtobuf Framework .deb VirusTotal
SpotveeC Version: v3.0.2
SpotveeC VirusTotal