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SirEatsALotOff edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the SEAL wiki! Here I will attempt to explain how in the world this program is used.


After downloading the .ZIP file, extract it onto your desktop. Open the file, open the SEAL-v.0.0.01 file. Drag the SEAL folder to your C:\ drive! If you don't, all of the directories will mess up.


Do not edit, remove, or add any files into the SEAL folder unless you know what you're doing. There (will be) 2 universal folders that the programs will all universally use. LOGS, and SResource. LOGS will contain all of the statistics, and entries. SResource will contain sounds, images, and more. Inside the SResource, you can store whatever... no idea why you would want to, but it probably wont do anything negative, so go right ahead buddy.


This is the core of the programs. It contains the help page, information, macro creation, and some extra things for fun. In the future, addons will be called by this batch file.


This batch file is meant for those who need to create a LOT of macros. It is fast, and simple so you don't have to go through menu after menu to do things. Currently it only supports text macros. To create the macro, go into seal.bat, type TXT, and fill out the information. Once it has a macro, you then run it by inputting the ID into the MacroHandler. It will then put the text file onto your clipboard.


Still under heavy development. Will store, and encrypt passwords and other information on your PC.

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