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Engine 3D · Build Status

A simple real time rendering engine using OpenGL and C++.

This project is not meant to be a rendering engine that someone will use for real applications, but is meant to someone that wants to learn the basic of a rendering engine. For this purpose the code is well documented and there is the wiki to explain the main concepts.


Optimized rendering pipeline can render up to 30 000 actors at 60 FPS

Post process shaders

Black and white



Parametrization of shaders

Lights (no shadow though)

Getting Started


  • Visual Studio 2022 (may work with older version)
  • The Visual Studio C++ Package


  1. Install the vcpkg package manager (official instruction here but don't skip the 3th step):
    1. Clone the repo git clone
    2. Run .bat file inside the cloned repo: .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
    3. The previous step generated the vcpkg.exe file. To use directly in the command line add the folder containing the exe* in the PATH (here is a tutorial to add a directory to the PATH)
  2. After cloning this repo open a command prompt in \Engine3D\Engine3D and run vcpkg install this command will download and install all the dependences inside the .\vcpkg_installed folder inside the project
  3. Open the file solution Engine3D.sln
  4. Go to the setting of the Engine3D project
  5. Change the value of Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Working Directory to $(ProjectDir)\WorkingDirectory


  1. Open the Engine3D project proprieties
  2. Change the propriety Working Directory to $(ProjectDir)\WorkingDirectory
  3. Start the Engine3D project

If you want to run a different scene you can go to main.cpp file and uncomment the scene you want.

Project structure

There are 2 projects in the Visual Studio .sln file: Engine3D and EngineEditor.


This is the core of the engine written in C++.


  • GLEW Utilities of OpenGL.
  • GLFW To handle the inputs and the OpenGL context.
  • FreeImage To load the image assets. Licensed under the FIPL license.
  • FreeType To render glyphs.
  • GLM To simplify math.

The project is composed by those filters:

  1. Engine The rendering engine.
  2. Shaders Shaders used in the engine.
  3. Resources Resources used in the test game.
  4. Examples Example scenes.


This is the editor of the engine made in C#. The main functionality is the conversion of a .obj mesh in the custom .msh format used by the engine.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.