Circuit: Electronic.rar
Type: Electronic pts: 100
Enoncé: Can you help me to decode this shiiiit ?
answer: FLAG-0145236789121310111415
USB: Network01.rar
Type: Networking pts: 100
Enoncé: Houari is A GooD (ness mlah) but We Are Little (chwiya mwessewssine) And here what we find after Somme litlle (khedma :D)
HINT: USB everywhere
answer: FLAG-T00_MuCh_R3T@rds_in_Thi!s_world!
Company: Network02.rar Type: Networking pts:150
Enonce: Can you help me to determine if Houari is a real suspect or not ?
answer: FLAG-S3cr3t4g3nt
Dump: Forensics01.rar Type: Forensics pts:100
Enoncé: Houari (eL 3ssass) Love Playing CTF and he Think he is (hadja kbira) So we decide to hack His PC and Dump everything ....
HINT: CapTure The FekRoun
answer: FLAG-T0p_S3cR3ts
Houari_File: Forensics02.rar
Type: Forensics pts:200
Enoncé: After Dumping Houari USB, we found a very interesting FILE .
answer: FLAG-Ag!L3_3nCrypT!i0N_Pwn3D
Crypto: Type: crypto pts: 150
Check Our new Encryption System and find the missing element :
P= 7863166752583943287208453249445887802885958578827520225154826621191353388988908983484279021978114049838254701703424499688950361788140197906625796305008451719 Y=6289736695712027841545587266292164172813699099085672937550442102159309081155467550411414088175729823598108452032137447608687929628597035278365152781494883808 G=2862392356922936880157505726961027620297475166595443090826668842052108260396755078180089295033677131286733784955854335672518017968622162153227778875458650593
HINT: y = g^x mod p HINT²: FLAG-missing element.value
Answer: FLAG-5984395521967467346233654974364351165422250974773836380349996370549071399526484130546437803585190342858690941215911884205493540794098544612334027224908987632
Houari Super Marché Stégano01.rar
type:stegano pts:100
Enoncé: Houari found a damaged barcode ... and he think that (hchawehalo :( ) ...
HINT: Design Design Design !!!
answer : FLAG-8991389135945
Houari Stegano: Stegano02.rar
type: stegano pts:150
Enoncé: Another File FOunded in Houari's USB
answer:! FLAG-F!rSt_Rul3_!n_St3g@g@n0_is_RTFM
ULTIME Stegano Stegano03.rar
type: stegano pts: 500
Enoncé: there is no Flag ... but the purpose of this challenge is to create a script to read all picture and extract data (script détaillé -.-')
HINT: Matlab
answer: Script