- Classified Doctors at home or at clinics.
- Multiple Clinics with their Management System.
- Geolocation & Google Maps address picker & browser.
- Live chat between customers and clinics owners and doctors
- Light or Dark Theme Support.
- Easy to Brand & Customize.
- Multiple Payments Gateway Integrations.
- Multi-Languages Support (including LTR & RTL).
- Multi-Currency Support.
- Discounts & Coupons
- Easy Login & Authentication
- Managing profile settings
- Intuitive & User-Friendly Animations
- Help & Support for customer and clinic’s owners
- Favorites, Wishlist Doctors
- Tracking and Filter Appointments
Try Admin Demo https://doctors.smartersvision.com
- Admin dashboards and statistics.
- Multi Roles and Permission (Admin, Clinic Owner, Doctor, Customer).
- Paypal Payments Gateway.
- Multi-language Admin panel
- Social media Authentications.
- Medias & File Manager Integrated