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Loads of changes for powershell built-in formatters and switch to ret…
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…urning renderables instead of always outputting to ansi console to allow nesting
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ShaunLawrie committed Aug 11, 2024
1 parent 5d8c175 commit 9da6338
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,573 additions and 1,173 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Upgrading to 1.0

I started this as a learning excercise in how to bridge the gap between C# libraries and PowerShell and wow have I learned a lot. Things I thought made sense when I first wrote this have now made it difficult to maintain. I've tried to maintain as much backwards compatibility as I can but there are some areas which will have breaking changes when upgrading to 1.0.

## New Features

- Renderable items use PowerShell formatters (thanks @startautomating) so you can now assign the output of functions like `Format-SpectreJson` to a variable and use it inside other Spectre Console functions like `Format-SpectreTable`.

## Changes

- Parameter names for a lot of commandlets have been aligned with the terminology in Spectre.Console, this affects commands all throughout this module but to maintain backwards compatibility the old parameter names have been kept as aliases so existing scripts will continue to work. Exceptions to this are:
- Format-SpectreJson parameters removed are `-Border`, `-Title`, `-NoBorder`. To wrap the json in a border the suggested option is to pipe the output to Format-SpectrePanel e.g. `Format-SpectreJson -Data $data | Format-SpectrePanel`
- TODO find the others
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/Build.ps1
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
param (
[string] $Version = "0.49.0"
[string] $Version = "0.49.1",
[int] $DotnetSdkMajorVersion = 6

function Install-SpectreConsole {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,9 +54,14 @@ function Install-SpectreConsole {

$command = Get-Command "dotnet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $command) {
throw "dotnet not found, please install dotnet sdk 6"
} elseif (-not (dotnet --list-sdks | Select-String "^6.+")) {
throw "dotnet sdk 6 not found, please install dotnet sdk 6"
throw "dotnet not found, please install dotnet sdk $DotnetSdkMajorVersion"
} elseif (-not (dotnet --list-sdks | Select-String "^$DotnetSdkMajorVersion.+")) {
Write-Warning "dotnet sdk $DotnetSdkMajorVersion not found, please install dotnet sdk $DotnetSdkMajorVersion"
if (Get-Command "winget" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
winget install "Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.$DotnetSdkMajorVersion"
} else {
throw "Please install the dotnet sdk and try again"
try {
Expand All @@ -64,6 +70,8 @@ function Install-SpectreConsole {
} finally {

& "$PSScriptRoot\PwshSpectreConsole.EzFormat.ps1"

Write-Host "Downloading Spectre.Console version $Version"
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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/PwshSpectreConsole.EzFormat.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#requires -Module EZOut
# Install-Module EZOut or
$myFile = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File
$myModuleName = $($myFile | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.ezformat\.ps1', '' -replace '\.ezout\.ps1', ''
$myRoot = $myFile | Split-Path
Push-Location $myRoot
$formatting = @(
# Add your own Write-FormatView here,
# or put them in a Formatting or Views directory
foreach ($potentialDirectory in 'Formatting','Views','Types') {
Join-Path $myRoot $potentialDirectory |
Get-ChildItem -ea ignore |
Import-FormatView -FilePath {$_.Fullname}

$destinationRoot = $myRoot

if ($formatting) {
$myFormatFilePath = Join-Path $destinationRoot "$myModuleName.format.ps1xml"
# You can also output to multiple paths by passing a hashtable to -OutputPath.
$formatting | Out-FormatData -Module $MyModuleName -OutputPath $myFormatFilePath

$types = @(
# Add your own Write-TypeView statements here
# or declare them in the 'Types' directory
Join-Path $myRoot Types |
Get-Item -ea ignore |


if ($types) {
$myTypesFilePath = Join-Path $destinationRoot "$myModuleName.types.ps1xml"
# You can also output to multiple paths by passing a hashtable to -OutputPath.
$types | Out-TypeData -OutputPath $myTypesFilePath
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/PwshSpectreConsole.format.ps1xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<!-- Generated with EZOut 2.0.6: Install-Module EZOut or -->
# Work out if the current object is being piped to another command, there isn't access to the pipeline in the format view script block so it's using a janky regex workaround
try {
$line = $MyInvocation.Line
$start = $MyInvocation.OffsetInLine
$lineAfterOffset = $line.SubString($start, ($line.Length - $start))
$targetIsInPipeline = $lineAfterOffset | Select-String "^[^;]+?\|"
$pipelineSegment = $lineAfterOffset | Select-String "^[^;]+?(;|$)" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
$targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction = $pipelineSegment -match ".*\|.*(Write|Format|Out)-Spectre.*"
Write-Debug "Line: $line"
Write-Debug "Start: $start"
Write-Debug "Line after offset: $lineAfterOffset"
Write-Debug "Target is in pipeline: $targetIsInPipeline"
Write-Debug "Pipeline segment: $pipelineSegment"
Write-Debug "Target is piped to Spectre function: $targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction"
} catch {
Write-Debug "Failed to discover pipeline state for Spectre.Console.Rendering.Renderable: $_"

if ($targetIsInPipeline -and -not $targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction) {
} else {
Write-AnsiConsole $_
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/PwshSpectreConsole.psd1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ RequiredAssemblies = '.\packages\Spectre.Console\lib\net6.0\Spectre.Console.dll'
# TypesToProcess = @()

# Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# FormatsToProcess = @()
FormatsToProcess = 'PwshSpectreConsole.format.ps1xml'

# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess
# NestedModules = @()
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ FunctionsToExport = 'Add-SpectreJob', 'Format-SpectreBarChart',
'New-SpectreChartItem', 'Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly',
'Get-SpectreDemoColors', 'Get-SpectreDemoEmoji', 'Format-SpectreJson',
'Write-SpectreCalendar', 'Start-SpectreRecording',
'Stop-SpectreRecording', 'Format-SpectreColumns', 'Write-AnsiConsole',

# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
CmdletsToExport = @()
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# TODO - Ask @startautomating how this can be done better
Write-FormatView -TypeName "Spectre.Console.Rendering.Renderable" -Action {
# Work out if the current object is being piped to another command, there isn't access to the pipeline in the format view script block so it's using a janky regex workaround
try {
$line = $MyInvocation.Line
$start = $MyInvocation.OffsetInLine
$lineAfterOffset = $line.SubString($start, ($line.Length - $start))
$targetIsInPipeline = $lineAfterOffset | Select-String "^[^;]+?\|"
$pipelineSegment = $lineAfterOffset | Select-String "^[^;]+?(;|$)" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
$targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction = $pipelineSegment -match ".*\|.*(Write|Format|Out)-Spectre.*"
Write-Debug "Line: $line"
Write-Debug "Start: $start"
Write-Debug "Line after offset: $lineAfterOffset"
Write-Debug "Target is in pipeline: $targetIsInPipeline"
Write-Debug "Pipeline segment: $pipelineSegment"
Write-Debug "Target is piped to Spectre function: $targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction"
} catch {
Write-Debug "Failed to discover pipeline state for Spectre.Console.Rendering.Renderable: $_"

if ($targetIsInPipeline -and -not $targetIsPipedToSpectreFunction) {
} else {
Write-AnsiConsole $_
71 changes: 39 additions & 32 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/private/Add-SpectreTreeNode.ps1
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@@ -1,33 +1,40 @@
using namespace Spectre.Console

Recursively adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree.
The Add-SpectreTreeNode function adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree. It does this recursively, so it can handle nested child nodes.
The parent node to which the child nodes will be added.
An array of child nodes to be added to the parent node. Each child node should be an object with a 'Label' property and a 'Children' property (which can be an empty array if the child has no children of its own).
See Format-SpectreTree for usage.
function Add-SpectreTreeNode {
param (
[IHasTreeNodes] $Node,
[array] $Children

foreach ($child in $Children) {
$newNode = [HasTreeNodeExtensions]::AddNode($Node, $child.Label)
if ($child.Children.Count -gt 0) {
Add-SpectreTreeNode -Node $newNode -Children $child.Children
using namespace Spectre.Console

Recursively adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree.
The Add-SpectreTreeNode function adds child nodes to a parent node in a Spectre.Console tree. It does this recursively, so it can handle nested child nodes.
The parent node to which the child nodes will be added.
An array of child nodes to be added to the parent node. Each child node should be an object with a 'Label' property and a 'Children' property (which can be an empty array if the child has no children of its own).
See Format-SpectreTree for usage.
function Add-SpectreTreeNode {
param (
[IHasTreeNodes] $Node,
[array] $Children

foreach ($child in $Children) {

# Backwards compatibility: Value used to be called Label
if ($child.ContainsKey("Label")) {
$child["Value"] = $child["Label"]

$newNode = [HasTreeNodeExtensions]::AddNode($Node, $child.Value)
if ($child.Children.Count -gt 0) {
Add-SpectreTreeNode -Node $newNode -Children $child.Children
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function Convert-HashtableToRenderSafePSObject {
[object] $Hashtable,
[hashtable] $Renderables
$customObject = @{}
foreach ($item in $Hashtable.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($item.Value -is [hashtable] -or $item.Value -is [ordered]) {
$item.Value = Convert-HashtableToRenderSafePSObject -Hashtable $item.Value
} elseif ($item.Value -is [Spectre.Console.Rendering.Renderable]) {
$renderableKey = "RENDERABLE__$([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)"
$Renderables[$renderableKey] = $item.Value
$item.Value = $renderableKey
$customObject[$item.Key] = $item.Value
return [pscustomobject]$customObject
45 changes: 24 additions & 21 deletions PwshSpectreConsole/private/Write-AnsiConsole.ps1
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@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
using namespace Spectre.Console

Writes an object to the console using [AnsiConsole]::Write()
This function is required for mocking ansiconsole in unit tests that write objects to the console.
.PARAMETER RenderableObject
The renderable object to write to the console e.g. [BarChart]
Write-SpectreConsoleOutput -Object "Hello, World!" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
function Write-AnsiConsole {
[Rendering.Renderable] $RenderableObject
using module ".\completions\Transformers.psm1"
using namespace Spectre.Console

Writes an object to the console using [AnsiConsole]::Write()
This function is required for mocking ansiconsole in unit tests that write objects to the console.
.PARAMETER RenderableObject
The renderable object to write to the console e.g. [BarChart]
Write-SpectreConsoleOutput -Object "Hello, World!" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
function Write-AnsiConsole {
[object] $RenderableObject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

<PackageReference Include="Spectre.Console" Version="0.49.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Spectre.Console" Version="0.49.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Management.Automation" Version="6.*" PrivateAssets="all" />

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