This bot collects messages from chosen channels, deletes "ЭТО СООБЩЕНИЕ РАСПРОСТРАНЕНО ..." text from it and send it to user. My bot is hosted on Amazon AWS Lambda, but you can run it everywhere.
In order to use it, you have to create file token.txt in project folder with single string: your telegram bot token.
My bot is hosted on Amazon Lambda. If you want host it there too:
Create AWS Lambda function
Use python 3.9 runtime for it
Create API gateway trigger in your Lambda and use it as a webhook for telegram bot using such HTTP request:*your-bot-token-here*/setWebhook?url=*lambda-trigger-url-here*
Add pandas layer (version 3) to your Lambda function
The sole python library which doesn't exists in this layer is python-telegram-bot and it must be contained in libs_for_aws_lambda folder, so install it to this folder:
pip install python-telegram-bot --target libs_for_aws_lambda --upgrade --python 3.9 --only-binary=:all:
If you want to run this code locally, you need to install some python libraries (python-telegram-bot, beatifulsoup4, requests):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Locally bot will use simple json file named inos.json to store inos and last post number. So you don't have to login in Amazon AWS, just run