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5 min fix
5 min fix
Fixable in 5 minutes or less
area: accessibility
area: accessibility
Making Telescope accessible for all kinds of users
area: autodeployment
area: autodeployment
Anything related to auto deployment
area: back-end
area: back-end
area: CI/CD
area: CI/CD
Continuous integration / Continuous delivery
area: css styling
area: css styling
Anything related to CSS styling
area: dashboard
area: dashboard
Related to Telescope's dashboard (the page that has stats)
area: database
area: database
Postgres db
area: dependency visualization
area: dependency visualization
Shows what dependencies are used in Telescope
area: deployment
area: deployment
Production or Staging deployment
area: design
area: design
Issues needing design or assets
area: docker
area: docker
area: docusaurus
area: docusaurus
Anything related to Docusaurus
area: elasticsearch
area: elasticsearch
Elasticsearch Related issues and pull requests
area: front-end
area: front-end
area: microservices
area: microservices
area: nextjs
area: nextjs
Nextjs related issues
area: nginx
area: nginx
area: performance
area: performance
Issues related to our performance
area: PWA
area: PWA
Related to Progressive Web App features
area: React Native
area: React Native
area: redis
area: redis
Redis Database related
area: satellite
area: satellite
Issues related to the Satellite microservice project
area: sso
area: sso
area: supabase
area: supabase
Anything related to Supabase
area: tools
area: tools
area: traefik
area: traefik
API routing with Traefik
area: web server
area: web server
Issues related to the web server
Can't do this, until something else is done
Pull requests that update a dependency file