UwUPunishments for MatrixPVP
Created with eclipse and converted to Maven. Using IntelliJ now.
Thanks to UntouchedOdin0 (https://www.spigotmc.org/members/devbukkit.28513/) for making the README.md
A new, simple, and tiny punishment plugin for admins.
I coded this plugin with the 1.12.2 spigot api. I tested it with 1.8.8 and 1.12.2 spigot, so I don't know if it'll work on other versions. It's up to you if you want to find out.
This plugin is in use on my server.
This plugin is not a ban manager, it is simply an easy way to punish people.
Current features:
- Punish any player with one command.
- Forgive any player with one command.
- Highly customizable punishments.
- Customizable messages.
- SQL support.
- Super tiny plugin and shouldn't affect tps.
Planned features: (in order that I think I will do them, from very likely, to not very likely)
- Better config.
- Make an API
- Make an API
Why choose this one over other ones? It supports SQL, it has very customizable punishments and ways to forgive players. The messages are customizable. This plugin also has tab completion for people that have the permission. This plugin is open source so you can do anything to this plugin, just please don't claim it as your own.
How to install: Just drag and drop this plugin into the /plugins directory in your server and reload/restart the server or load it with plugman. It's recommended to restart the server.
Permissions and commands:
Punishes someone /punish <broadcast, true/yes false/no> Permission: uwu.forgive.use Aliases: pns
Forgives someone /forgive Permission: uwu.forgive.use Aliases: frg
Sets someone's violation level. /setviolations Permission: uwu.setvl.use Aliases: svl, setvl
Checks someone's violation level /checkviolations [reason] Permission: uwu.forgive.use Aliases: cvl, checkvl
Prevents anyone from changing your punishment level. Permission: uwu.pu.exempt
Other stuff:
My discord: https://discord.gg/46efA3P
Please do not dislike this plugin just because it's trash, please give a good reason as to why (spigot tries to tell you to do this, but most people don't do that).
If you find any issues, please open a ticket at https://github.com/True-cc/UwUPunishments/issues