What's Changed
- refine conversation states by @iceljc in #245
- WebDriver Playwright. by @hchen2020 in #246
- Add Input User Text in WebPage. by @hchen2020 in #247
- Fix click element in WebDriver. by @hchen2020 in #248
- Fix SPA refresh bug. by @hchen2020 in #249
- add mongo plugin actions by @iceljc in #250
- Support to set multiple routers. by @hchen2020 in #251
- refine filter by @iceljc in #254
- add missing field by @iceljc in #255
- Updated OpenAPI definition to add JWT bearer and authentication. by @kiebor in #256
- add conversation pagination by @iceljc in #257
- Fix ChatbotUi models. by @hchen2020 in #258
- structure content log by @iceljc in #259
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.21-2023-12...tag-v0.22-logging