released this
31 May 14:45
2863 commits
to master
since this release
Catalyst v11.0.0
Closed issues:
- Support for conserved quantities? (#137)
- Add support for symbolic events (#499)
- ReducedODESystem: Automatic simplification of chemical reaction ODE systems via derived conservation laws (#500)
- Error message when running the reaction network macro on ModelingToolkit 8.11.1 (#505)
- making combinatoric_ratelaws more flexible (#507)
- remaining conservation law PR work (#508)
Merged pull requests:
- Update Bifurcation Tutorial (#498) (@TorkelE)
- better parsing error messages in DSL (#501) (@isaacsas)
- Elimination of conservation laws (#506) (@isaacsas)
- Combinatorial ratelaws in sys (#510) (@isaacsas)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for DocStringExtensions to 0.9, (keep existing compat) (#511) (@github-actions[bot])
- Networkproperties tweaks (#513) (@isaacsas)
- Constant and bc species for SBMLToolkit (#514) (@isaacsas)