This project, is for building a live messaging server with live notification and full authentication and authorization based also. Here, we will add private chat and group chat feature.
- Full Authentication and Authorization based.
- Private Chat
- No images can be separately opened or viewed for privacy
- No images in private chat can be downloaded
- Think about it if you are chatting in personal moment and someone in your family comes to check in ... I added a feature to hide all previous chats 🤣
- Group Chat
- Admin can kick in group Chat
- You can leave group chat anytime
- You can change your messaging avatar now
- React Js
- Axios
- React - icons
- React Router Dom
- React State Handle
- React Hooks
- React Component
- React Scrollable Feed
- React Socket io
- Bootstrap5
- Material UI
- Js Cookie
- Inside Index.js you will see
- axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8000'; axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '+localStorage.getItem('token');
I used my localhost to work for rest api handle so its set baseurl localhost:8000 change according to your server.
For support, [email protected]