Better than yesterday high level readme
Longer term? If ever pie in the sky ideas?
- Merchandise
- Awards
- Products
- Services
- People
A simple blog of information, the glue to link all the resources together. Maybe can be hosted on Carbon Netural hosting (Static Web Apps) Do we need oppotunities to contibute from the wider team? Tools to caluclate impact or link to other calculators. References to other communites and raw data. Where applicable link to IPCC or other people making a real difference
Focused on our family ( wider Rowe Tribe? or just Kent division? )
- Build the narative of change
- Review changes, what works, what doesn't, what was the impact, alternatives
Guild making in action. Use something like Discours to build a community of peeps. Getting hundreds/thousands of people onboard to talk about changes will bring more content ideas to work on and build following.
Amplifes the action we take with the action the community takes and gives oportunities to create web of other blogs
Is there a pre made community of moderates to link into? Build on EddieHub automated tooling for moderation?
in person events, fayres run around the country? Maybe we could help to build the content for the fayre and work out what hits home with peeps?
Youtube channel in effect. Revenue stream to fund changes? Avenue to grow audience and bring into the Blog and Community? Videos of the things we do, review, change, impact? People we meet virtually or real from the community to discuss actions and ideas? Long format videos can be parts of life that are ideation, or longer explanations
- Impact of turning down thermostat in winter (long answer)
- Story of riding to do the weekly shop (including the route) Short format videos can be of simple changes?
- How to buy Carbon Offsets
- How to buy Carbon Removals
- Review of Huel food for low impact eating
- Green enegy suppliers
- Growing food at home