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=== Filter Everything PRO ===
Contributors: stepasyuk
Tags: woocommerce product filter, woocommerce filter, product filter, post filter, ajax filter, product filter woocommerce, filter, taxonomy filter, post type filter, woocommerce products filter, category filter, price filter
Stable tag: 1.5.1
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 5.8.2
Requires PHP: 5.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Filters everything in WordPress & WooCommerce: Products, any Post types, by Any Criteria. Compatible with WPML, ACF and others popular. Supports AJAX. Just Try it.

== Description ==
Next generation of **WordPress Filter** (and also **WooCommerce Product Filter**) that allows you to build Powerful Faceted filtering system by any criteria. It filters any post types including Custom Post Types and Products, well-designed and has useful filtering options.

### Filters everything in WordPress & WooCommerce
That is any Post types including WooCommerce Products and custom Post types. For example Products, Posts, Pages, Recipes, Real estate objects, Cars — **everything**.

### Video review from WPTuts

### Filters by Any Criteria
They are Categories, Tags, custom Taxonomies, WooCommerce attributes, Custom Fields including created with ACF, Authors etc.

No need to list all possible filters you can create — they can be any, but most popular are:
* [Price](, [Sale price](
* [Brand](
* [Product Category](, Tag
* [Custom Taxonomy](
* [Custom Fields]( including created with ACF plugin
* Size, Color - any WooCommerce attributes
* [Width, Height, Length](, [Weight](
* [On sale]( status
* [In Stock]( status
* [Downloadable](, [Backordered](, [Featured]( product statuses
* [Product type](
* [Shipping Class](
* [Product Visibility](
* [Featured image]( exists/not exists
* [Views count](
* Cooking time
* Calories
* [Author](
* ... **any**

### Advanced settings for a Filter
Including URL variable name, frontend view, logic, sorting and excluding options as well as filter collapsing/expanding, hierarchical structure, tooltips, search field and others.

### Supports AJAX
Thus your visitors can faster to filter and to find relevant products or posts.

### Supports filtering values in any languages
Among them Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi etc

### Compatible with Themes and popular Plugins
Compatible with WPML, ACF and others popular. Supports color schemes to allow you easily integrate with your design

### Responsive, Mobile ready

#### Contains Widgets, Shortcodes, has clean WordPress style UI, Regularly updated, Made for Developers, Lightweight — it's all about Filter Everything

* [Clothing](
* [Smartphones](
* [Laptops](
* [Blog](
* [Color schemes](

Filter Everything is also available in a professional version which includes:
- Filtering any Custom WP Queries
- Ability to place Filters on any page including Singular
- Full Compatibility with Page builders like Elementor, Oxygen, Divi, WPBakery Composer etc
- Enhanced SEO options that allows you to adjust SEO for filtering pages
- Clean URLs and Permalinks. Full control over filtering page URLs
- Premium Support
[Learn more]( About PRO.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I get support? =

You can try to find a solution to your problem in the plugin [documentation]( or ask your question on the support [forum]( PRO version users can get support by submitting a request via the [form](

= The Filter Widget doesn't appear on desired page =

Usually if you don’t see the Filter Widget on desired page, you need to:
1. Check if the Filter Everything widget is placed in the correct sidebar (widget area) for this page.
1. Check if the Filter Set post type matches to this post type’s page.
1. Check if the Filter Set location settings matches to this page.
1. Check if all filters terms are not empty and contain at least one post.
Or read please this [article](

= AJAX feature does not work on my site =

On those WordPress themes that are created according to the standards, AJAX works automatically. However, if you are having problems, check out the AJAX settings in [this article](

== Installation ==

Uploading via WordPress dashboard
1. From the WordPress dashboard visit Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin
2. Choose plugin zip file and upload it
3. Install and Activate the plugin
4. After installation, you will find a new menu item “Filters”
5. Read the documentation to [get started](

Uploading via FTP
1. Download the Filter Everything plugin zip file
2. Extract zip file and upload “filter-everything” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
4. After installation, you will find a new menu item “Filters”
5. Read the documentation to [get started](

== Screenshots ==

1. Common Filters view
2. Filtering Smartphones
3. Mobile views
4. Filter Set with filters
5. Single filter fields
6. URL prefixes settings

== Changelog ==

= 1.5.1 =
*Release Date - 31 December 2021*
* Dev   - Serious speed improvements for stores with a lot of variations
* Fix   - Fixed bug 'uncaught TypeError: floor()' in PostMetaNumEntity.php

= 1.5.0 =
*Release Date - 28 December 2021*
* Dev   - Added "Apply button" mode to filtering process
* Dev   - Added ability to redirect filtering results to a page from any page
* Tweak - Replaced filter order numbers with "move" icons

= 1.4.9 =
*Release Date - 24 December 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed bug when new filters could not be added with WPML activated

= 1.4.8 =
*Release Date - 17 December 2021*
* Fix   - Improved transient key for 'flrt_get_terms_transient_key' to make it unique
* Fix   - Improved 'flrt_wp' function and default hooks for filters button
* Fix   - Improved transitions to be compatible with WPML
* Tweak - Moved 'convertSelectResult' method to transients

= 1.4.7 =
*Release Date - 30 November 2021*
* Fix   - CSS compatibility issue with Enfold theme
* Tweak - Added 'wpc_include_front_view' and 'wpc_include_admin_view' hooks
* Tweak - Made Empty terms visible by default (some people don't see any terms and can not setup Filters widget)

= 1.4.6 =
*Release Date - 23 November 2021*
* Fix   - CSS issue with 'More options' link
* Fix   - Fixed compatibility issue with Woo [products] shortcode

= 1.4.5 =
*Release Date - 15 November 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed Select2 version compatibility problem on Filter Set and Filter Settings pages

= 1.4.4 =
*Release Date - 10 November 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed Select2 version compatibility problem on Filter Set and Filter Settings pages
* Fix   - Fixed Search field option for range and radio buttons views
* Tweak - Disabled Search field for Select2 dropdowns for the Sorting widget

= 1.4.3 =
*Release Date - 08 November 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed PHP notice
* Fix   - Fixed conflict with WP tags autocomplete field

= 1.4.2 =
*Release Date - 02 November 2021*
* Fix   - Disabled debugging

= 1.4.1 =
*Release Date - 01 November 2021*
* Dev   - Improved performance by adding SQL queries caches
* Dev   - Added support filtering values on any language (Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew and so on)
* Fix 	- Fixed bug with Custom Field Num filter for non-product posts
* Fix   - Fixed bug with AND logic for filters by hierarchical taxonomies
* Fix   - Meta key Dropdown field was replaced with Input without suggestions due to performance issues
* Fix   - Fixed Sorting Dropdown field for AJAX filtering
* Fix   - Fixed bug with paginate links for comments
* Fix   - Improved compatibility with the WP Query that already contains this term. "Term already in Query" check.
* Tweak - Improved "Hide empty Terms" by adding new option "Hide in the initial Filter only"
* Tweak - Added Russian translations

= 1.4.0 =
*Release Date - 22 October 2021*
* Dev   - Added search field to a filter
* Dev   - Improved Pop-up filters widget design and behavior
* Dev   - Added compatibility checkbox for Pop-up filters widget on mobile
* Dev   - Added support of brand images for WooCommerce brand attributes
* Dev   - Improved Custom Field Num filtering for product variations
* Dev   - Improved Chips integration
* Dev   - Improved filtering by variations. Added checkbox "Use for variations" to Custom Fields
* Fix   - Fixed small issue with Polylang
* Fix   - Fixed bug with paginate links
* Fix 	- Fixed bug with range slider values on filtering pages
* Fix   - Removed 'user_trailingslashit' for 'get_post_type_archive_link' in 'getCommonLocationTerms' method
* Tweak - Improved chips design to make them more lightweight
* Tweak - Added ability to translate stock status terms
* Tweak - Improved behavior of the "Hide empty terms" feature - now it always hide empty terms
* Tweak - Added pjax compatibility

= 1.3.1 =
*Release Date - 01 October 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed Bug with sorting by Product sales number
* Fix   - Fixed Bug with 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering'

= 1.3.0 =
*Release Date - 01 October 2021*
* Dev   - Added Sorting widget with unlimited sorting options. Elementor compatible.
* Dev   - Added Sorting shortcode
* Dev   - Added option 'Use for Variations' to filter more accurately by Product Attributes and variations
* Dev   - Added 'any' to search results query when post type are not specified
* Dev   - Improved uninstall hook to avoid deleting data when both PRO and Free versions installed
* Dev   - Made [fe_widget] shortcode available in Free version also
* Bug   - Added suppress_filters=true to querySets to avoid conflict with Avada Builder product ordering
* Fix   - Fixed JS error with reading of undefined 'wpcHandler'
* Fix   - Fixed filtering by variation attributes
* Fix   - Removed 'flrt_fix_elementor_query_args' fix
* Fix   - Fixed compatibility issue with Divi theme
* Tweak - Added hook 'post_type_archive_title' to replace H1 titles
* Tweak - Added option to hide Woocommerce dropdown in Experimental options
* Tweak - Reduced Select2 dropdowns height on desktops
* Tweak - Added preview link to the location field

= 1.2.5 =
*Release Date - 03 September 2021*
* Dev   - Added hook 'wpc_filter_sets_posts_per_page'
* Tweak - Improved error message about allowed URL prefixes
* Tweak - Improved list with unnecessary GET parameters
* Fix   - Fixed bug in free version with PHP Warning on login page

= 1.2.4 =
*Release Date - 25 August 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed bug for cases, when child term is empty and does not contain posts

= 1.2.3 =
*Release Date - 18 August 2021*
* Fix   - Hotfix for filtering by ACF fields
= 1.2.2 =
*Release Date - 18 August 2021*
* Dev   - Added variable products for filtering support
* Fix   - Resolved problem with 'include_children' query param
* Dev   - Added debugging messages to the Filters widget to make it configuring more clear.
* Fix   - Fixed problem with Select2 dropdowns width after resizing window
* Fix   - Added wrappers for filter query and hidden queries fields to avoid problems with the jQuery find method.
* Fix   - Fixed problem with SEO plugins in Multisite mode
* Fix   - Add correct comparison of decimal values for PostMetaNum Filter.
* Tweak - Added Filter label to a chip title.
* Tweak - Added explanation message to the AJAX option checkbox
* Tweak - Added widget titles for widget in Elementor

= 1.2.1 =
*Release Date - 28 June 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed critical error with Hierarchical view for Taxonomy filters
* Tweak - Reduced Filters widget terms height
* Fix   - Fixed CSS problem with selected terms for Filters with enabled folding
* Fix   - Added checking of existing function 'wc_get_default_products_per_row'

= 1.2.0 =
*Release Date - 22 June 2021*
* Fix   - Replaced $_POST param name 'link' with 'flrt_ajax_link' to avoid conflicts
* Fix   - Replaced JS cookie function names with 'wpc' prefix to avoid conflicts
* Fix   - Removed annoying message "An error occurred while searching for the WP Queries..." and improved appropriate functionality.
* Dev   - Changed format for the Location field to avoid problems with disabled 'sanitize_title' hook.
* Dev   - Added Chips widget
* Dev   - Added tooltip feature
* Dev   - Added sorting terms by Menu order for WooCommerce attributes
* Fix   - Fixed bug with permalinks settings for situation when the first Filter is created

= 1.1.23 =
*Release Date - 14 June 2021*
* Dev   - Added support of SEO Rules for singular pages.
* Fix   - Fixed problem with SEO Rules query to avoid potential conflicts with other queries.
* Bug   - Fixed bug with missing container for SEO text on a page.

= 1.1.22 =
*Release Date - 11 June 2021*
* Fix   - Fixed problem with WP_Query, that may interfere with other queries on some WP sites
* Fix   - Fixed problem with 3d party sanitize_title hooks before receive a Filter Set from DB.
* Fix   - Returned normal Select2 script handle due to fixed WooCommerce bug in 5.4.0
* Fix   - Resolved problem with AJAX queries and WPML plugin with specific language settings.
* Tweak - Added alphabetical sorting for the Location terms dropdown.

= 1.1.21 =
*Release Date - 10 June 2021*
* Fix   - Hotfix for Post meta filters

= 1.1.2 =
*Release Date - 09 June 2021*
* Dev   - Implemented compatibility with WPML plugin and ability to translate Filter Sets, SEO Rules in different languages.
* Dev   - Improved URL prefix characters sanitizing, validation, description
* Bug   - Fixed problem with new WooCommerce 5.4.0 and Select2 dropdowns
* Bug   - Fixed problem with loading WP Queries and disappearing its dropdown
* Tweak - Improved the excluding unused Post types
* Tweak - Improved translation strings

= 1.1.1 =
*Release Date - 03 June 2021*
* Bug   - Meta tag "robots" disappeared on filtering pages.
* Dev   - Added compatibility with Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Rank Math SEO, The SEO Framework, SEOPress and Squirrly SEO plugins
* Fix   - CSS issue with padding-right for labels
* Fix   - Initiated Select2 dropdowns after collapsed filter opened.
* Dev   - Improved Popular Meta Keys list design

= 1.1.0 =
*Release Date - 01 June 2021*
* Dev   - Redesigned functionality of the Location filter field. Now filters can be added to almost any WordPress page including single pages.
* Dev   - Added the ability to select the WP Query to be filtered. This way you can now filter any posts grid on any page created with any Page builders (Tested with Elementor, Divi builder, Themify builder).
* Dev   - Added support for multiple Filter Sets on one page and the ability to filter different post types on one page simultaneously.
* Dev   - Added shortcodes to display filter widget, selected filters (chips) and widget open button: [fe_widget], [fe_chips], [fe_open_button]
* Dev   - Added the experimental option to turn off the automatic display of widget opening buttons for the ability to place their shortcodes in the needed places.
* Fix   - Resolved conflicts with popular SEO plugins on filtering pages.
* Fix   - Fixed the bug with incorrect display of the Pop-up filter widget on some WordPress themes.
* Fix   - Fixed minor bugs.

= 1.0.91 =
*Release Date - 24 May 2021*
* Fix   - Bug with the search field of Select2 dropdown on Android devices. Temporary hide the search field.
* Fix   - Changed logic to hide Custom Field Num filter if it has no posts with specified custom field.

= 1.0.9 =
*Release Date - 21 May 2021*
* Bug   - Replaced '.widget_wpc_filters_widget' with '.wpc-filters-widget-main-wrapper' in CSS to avoid problems with widgets in Elementor
* Bug   - Removed 'esc_textarea()' before saving the SEO Rule Description to avoid problems with HTML.
* Tweak - Added 'the_content' filters to the SEO Rule Description to format it like post text
* Dev   - Changed 'SeoFrontend::archiveDescription()' method and wrapped seoText with its container
* Dev   - Handled situation, when the seoText container is outside from the posts container
* Dev   - Removed hooks for wp_footer and wp_header
* Fix   - Added checking if unserialized meta value is not array
* Fix   - Added ability to hide empty filter for Custom Meta Num filter

= 1.0.8 =
*Release Date - 05 May 2021*
* Bug   - Fixed bug with undefined function 'wpc_print_filters_for'
* Tweak - Added condition to check if page is 'allowed_filter_page' to include frontend JS and CSS
* Bug   - Replaced 'wpc_force_non_unique_slug' with 'flrt_force_non_unique_slug'
* Tweak - Replaced '×' symbol with its HTML code to avoid annoying problem, when it disappears.

= 1.0.7 =
*Release Date - 29 April 2021*
* Dev   - Replaced all namespaces from 'WPC' to 'FilterEverything'
* Dev   - Replaced all function prefixes from 'wpc_' to 'flrt_'
* Dev   - Replaced all constants from 'WPC_' to 'FLRT_'
* Dev   - Added 'About PRO' tab to the settings in free version
* Bug   - Fixed bug with infinite reloading, when some script uses reloading page from history state
* Dev   - Added support of serialized data to Custom Field
* Dev   - Improved relation logic for multiple filters by Custom Field
* Bug   - Fixed bugs for multiple Meta queries for all Custom Field filters
* Bug   - Fixed bug with fixing of WP native search query (added $wp_query->is_main_query() and 9999 priority)
* Bug   - Fixed bug with 'taxonomy' and 'term' query_vars for elementor
* Dev   - Added shortcode 'fe_open_widget' for the Bottom widget button
* Bug   - Replaced filters widget wrapper class with '.wpc-filters-widget-main-wrapper' because Elementor widgets have no classes as regular WP widgets

= 1.0.6 =
*Release Date - 28 April 2021*
* Tweak - Added link 'Get PRO' to the plugin links.
* Bug   - Fixed bug with undismissable message about forbidden URL prefixes
* Tweak - Added Custom Field Exists filter to Free version as Available in Pro
* Bug   - Fixed Button on mobile appeared twice.
* Bug   - Fixed labels behavior, JavaScript bug.
* Dev   - Added 'Popular Meta keys' meta box to the Filter Set edit screen for reference
* Bug   - Fixed the problem with Undefined property 'message' in filter-everything.js
* Bug   - Fixed the Fatal error problem with SeoRules->getIndexedFilters() method and its $key

= 1.0.5 =
*Release Date - 27 April 2021*
* Bug   - Changed priority for 'pre_get_posts' hook to 9999 to fire it more later.
* Tweak - 'by Wordpress Filters plugin' was changed to 'by Filter Everything plugin'
* Tweak - wpc_post_meta_keys_limit was changed to 100 to avoid high loading
* Bug   - Fixed bug with 'q' parameter in $_GET array on some nginx configurations
* Tweak - Improved translation for '<span class="%s">%d</span> %s found'
* Dev   - Added hierarchy to checkboxes layout
* Tweak - Added additional wrapper to terms in checkbox and radio buttons layouts
* Tweak - Added POST var wpcAjaxAction = filter to AJAX call
* Tweak - Removed all actions from 'wp_head' & 'wp_footer' hooks for AJAX call
* Dev   - Added ability to specify individual CSS selector for posts container to the Filter Set.
* Tweak - Removed unnecessary vars rememberOpened.
* Dev   - Added independent option "Use Select2 for Dropdowns".
* Tweak - Wrapped the Filters button text into <span> for ability to manipulate it via CSS.
* Tweak - Added hooks for the 'Posts found' msg to allow control post name.
* Tweak - Changed the 'button_hook' and 'chips_hook' parameters to array instead of string.

= 1.0.4 =
*Release Date - 20 April 2021*
* Tweak - Removed 'About PRO' link and replaced Get PRO button.
* Tweak - Adjusted better overlay transition.
* Tweak - Excluded singular pages from moving sidebar to top.
* Tweak - Renamed README.txt to readme.txt
* Tweak - Updated readme.txt file
* Bug   - Fixed but with selected terms, that disappeared if bottom widget was disabled.
* Tweak - Added plugin screenshots
* Tweak - Added Domain Path: /lang to the main plugin file.
* Dev   - Added Select2 to frontend dropdowns. It works only if 'Use styled inputs' option enabled.
* Tweak - HTML for found posts now always outputs to avoid jumping when it appears.
* Dev   - Added browser history Back/Prev buttons support.

= 1.0.3 =
*Release Date - 14 April 2021*
* Bug - Fixed the 'Publish <b>immediately</b>' string with html in the Publish metabox

= 1.0.2 =
*Release Date - 14 April 2021*
* Tweak - Escaped additional dynamic data before output
* Tweak - Removed additional unused code
* Bug - Added function intdiv() to wpc-compat.php
* Tweak - Added prefixes to all script/style handles

= 1.0.1 =
*Release Date - 13 April 2021*
* Tweak - Moved filter-everything.pot file to the /lang dir
* Tweak - Removed all unused code and files
* Tweak - Escaped all dynamic data before output
* Bug - Added permissions check for Filters and SEO Rules saving actions
* Bug - Added permissions check for Filters and SEO Rules editing screens
* Tweak - Replaced die; with wp_die();
* Tweak - Removed advertiseMetaBox() method
* Tweak - Updated README.txt
* Tweak - replaced all translation functions with escaped or wp_kses
* Bug - Fixed problem with <titles>, canonicals and meta-tags in AJAX requests. Replaced .filter() with .find()
* Tweak - Added "use strict" to all JS files.

= 1.0.0 =
*Release Date - 13 April 2021*

= 0.9.4 =
*Release Date - 06 April 2021*
* Tweak - Changed Help content and links.
* Fix - Changed AJAX loader opacity from .6 to .8
* Dev - Added calculation of posts_per_page for filters
* Fix - Renamed "Filters SEO" to "Indexing Filters"
* Tweak - Added 'wpc_get_option' filter to wpc_get_experimental_option() function.

= 0.9.3 =
*Release Date - 01 April 2021*
* i18n - Replaced textdomain constant with string.
* Tweak - Added checking of "WPINC" constant to avoid direct opening PHP files.
* Dev  - Moved Custom CSS to file instead of placing them directly in page source.
* Dev - Added field, that allows specify prefixes, whose terms should display as is in SEO data.
* Fix - Fixed problems with meta tag robots in WP 5.7+ versions.
* Tweak - deleted method WpManager()->getAllPostsIdsForQueriedPostType().
* Fix - Fixed post_type 'any' and post_stauts 'private' on search results page.
* Tweak - Added symbol '*' to required filter fields.
* Tweak - renamed 'admin.css' to 'filter-everything-admin.css'.
* Tweak - All buttons on mobile display:block CSS in widget.
* Fix - Multiple replacing H1 for AJAX fixed.
* Tweak - changed mobile width to 768px
* Tweak - Added warning about two or more Filter widgets on one page.
* Dev - Added theme depended values: 'posts_container', 'sidebar_container', 'primary_color', 'button_hook', 'chips_hook'
* Dev - Added prefixes validation for matching with terms.
* Tweak - Updated default options list
* Fix - Bottom widget disappearing on mobile
* Dev - minified CSS and JS

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.5.1 =
* Dev   - Serious speed improvements for stores with a lot of variations
* Fix   - Fixed bug 'uncaught TypeError: floor()' in PostMetaNumEntity.php


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