SUEP analysis using Coffea
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_4
cd CMSSW_10_6_4/src
git clone
python3 --isMC=0/1 --era=201X --infile=XXX.root
If you do not have the requirements set up then you can also run this through the docker container that the coffea team provides. This is simple and easy to do. You just need to enter the Singularity and then issue the command above. To do this use:
singularity shell -B ${PWD}:/work /cvmfs/
If there are files in other folders that are necessary (The folder with your NTuples for example) you can bind additional folders like with the following which will allow one to access the files in the /mnt directory:
export SINGULARITY_BIND="/mnt"