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Compact And Extended Source Automated Recognition


CAESAR is a C++ software tool for automated source finding in astronomical maps. It is distributed for research use only under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


If you use CAESAR for your research, please acknowledge it in your papers by citing the following paper:

  • S. Riggi et al., "Automated detection of extended sources in radio maps: progress from the SCORPIO survey", MNRAS (2016) doi: 10.1093/mnras/stw982, arXiv:1605.01852
  • S. Riggi, F. Vitello et al., "CAESAR source finder: recent developments and testing", submitted to PASA (2019)

or consider including me (S. Riggi, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Via S. Sofia 78, I-95123, Catania, Italy) as a co-author on your publications.



Install the project mandatory dependencies:

Optional dependencies are:

Dependencies for the provided scripts are:

Make sure you have set the following environment variables to the external library installation dirs

  • R_DIR (optional)

Add also the following paths to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment var:

  • $LOG4CXX_ROOT/lib/pkgconfig
  • $JSONCPP_ROOT/lib/pkgconfig

CAESAR depends also on the wcstools and linterp libraries which are already provided in the external/ directory. NB: The provided wcslib was slightly modified with respect to the original release to avoid naming conflicts with the R package due to some #define macros used in WCS.

cmake should find all needed include dirs and libraries used to build the project.

Build and install

To build and install the project:

  • Clone this repository into your local $SOURCE_DIR
    git clone $SOURCE_DIR
  • Create the build and install directories: $BUILD_DIR, $INSTALL_DIR
  • In the build directory:
    make install

Documentation generation

To generate and install the API documentation you must have Doxygen (+dot) installed on your system. Enter the build directory and type: make doc

To generate and install the Sphinx API and wiki documentation you must have Sphinx + Breathe installed on your system. Enter the build directory and type: make doc-sphinx

Online documentation is available at:

Running unit tests

To build the unit tests you must have Google Test installed and the ENABLE_TEST option set to ON when building Caesar. To run the test:

make test

or alternatively run the script runUnitTests installed in the Caesar installation dir.