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SEPIA-Home v2.6.2 with a lot of stability + usability improvements and a new automatic setup mode

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@fquirin fquirin released this 08 May 20:40
· 46 commits to master since this release

v2.6.2 - 2022.05.08

Important: If you're updating from a clean v2.6.0 using the integrated script please read this issue: #155.

SEPIA-Home v2.6.2 improves many of the existing and new features of v2.6.1, fixes a lot of smaller issues and introduces a new automatic setup (with YAML config) and external data folder to better support Docker containers. Here are some other highlights:

The remote media control feature has been enhanced to support volume adjustment and the client will remember this setting after a restart. In addition the volume control will now work for the Youtube widget as well 📻 🎶.

Teach-UI commands and app settings can now be exported as JSON files and imported via drag & drop (or file select) 🗄️ 🤓 .

The news region can now be defined independently from the app language and news outlets can be configured per language + region (news-outlets.json). NLU supports "show me news in German" etc. as well 📰 👀.

There is a very nice new avatar + new skins 🤖 🎨 🙂 and Porcupine wake-words have been updated to v2.1 (if you have a custom 2.0 ww use the included download scripts).

As usual the release has a lot more to discover, so check-out the extended release notes or the "shorter" version below! Hope you enjoy the update ✌️ 😃.

Download SEPIA-Home - Download Android APK - See Twitter news feed

Release notes (short) - Extended version: here

Updated client to v0.24.2:

  • Added virtual keyboard for DIY clients with touchscreen + 'virtualKeyboard' URL parameter
  • Remember media player volume and added option 'playerVolume' to settings file
  • Added Teach-UI basic command import/export + support for file drag & drop
  • Added new settings option for 'defaultNewsRegion' + append 'defaultNewsRegion' and 'appRegionCode' to assistant requests
  • New avatar 'Proto' + improved avatar code
  • New skins 'Blue Canary', 'Odyssey AI' and 'Vectors Reloaded' + style tweaks
  • Added CLEXI GPIO events for audio 'eventEffectsOn' and 'eventEffectsOff' + fixed a bug in LED control
  • Updated Porcupine to v2.1 (replaced v2.0)

Updated Control-HUB (admin-tools) to v1.4.3:

  • Improved smart-home page with better UX for authentication data and tweaked some styles

Updated Assist-server to v2.6.2:

  • New automatic-setup feature using YAML config file to define setup tasks, users and DNS + improved setup code (create random passwords, write log etc.)
  • Added a new TTS endpoint to support byte-range streaming audio-files (required by Apple devices and potantially faster for large files)
  • Added installer for 'txt2pho' TTS engine (German MBROLA only) + tweaked some voice speeds
  • Added 'appRegionCode' and new 'defaultNewsRegion' to NluInput class (to be used in services)
  • Improved news service to support 'language' parameter (e.g.: "show me news in German") + 'defaultNewsRegion' and 'appRegionCode' to make news independent of user language

Updated Core-tools to v2.2.11:

  • Added new 'readYamlFile' to 'FilesAndStreams' class
  • Added new property-file reader with caching
  • Added new 'Spark.streamFile' feature for byte-range requests (see new TTS features above)

Updated WebSocket Chat-Server to v1.3.4:

  • Updated eclipse.paho MQTT client to v1.2.5

Other servers, tools and common changes:

  • Improved SEPIA-Home install and run scripts and added an option to create one single, external folder for user data (using symlinks)
  • Improved DIY client package with more Pulseaudio scripts e.g. for AEC (beta), more hardware scripts, better installation and run scripts etc.
  • Improved CLEXI to support WS281x and APA102 RGB LEDs via SPI bus (new GPIO item)