Gradient Boost now uses gradient-based subsampling
Allow Token Hashing Vectorizer custom hash functions
Gradient Boost base estimator no longer configurable
Move dummy estimators to the Extras package
Increase default MLP window from 3 to 5
Decrease default Gradient Boost window from 10 to 5
Rename alpha regularization parameter to L2 penalty
Added RBX serializer class property type change detection
Rename boosting estimators param to epochs
Neural net-based learners can now train for 0 epochs
Rename Labeled stratify() to stratifyByLabel()
Added Sparse Cosine distance kernel
Cosine distance now optimized for dense and sparse vectors
Word Count Vectorizer now uses min count and max ratio DFs
Numeric String Converter now handles NAN and INFs
Numeric String Converter is now Reversible
Removed Numeric String Converter NAN_PLACEHOLDER constant
Added MurmurHash3 and FNV1a 32-bit hashing functions to Token Hashing Vectorizer
Changed Token Hashing Vectorizer max dimensions to 2,147,483,647
Increase SQL Table Extractor batch size from 100 to 256
Ranks Features interface no longer extends Stringable
Verbose Learners now log change in loss
Numerical instability logged as a warning instead of info
Added header() method to CSV and SQL Table Extractors
Argmax() now throws an exception when undefined
MLP Learners recover from numerical instability with a snapshot
Rename Gzip serializer to Gzip Native
Change RBX serializer constructor argument from base to level
Rename Writeable extractor interface to Exporter
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