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EasyRecyclerView is an all-in-one easy to use RecyclerView library for Android that allows you to create custom and interactive user interfaces quickly and efficiently. With its lightweight and fully customizable code, EasyRecyclerView is the perfect solution for any app developer looking to create beautiful and responsive RecyclerViews.


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đź’ˇ Lightbulb-EasyRecyclerView

Looking for a hassle-free way to implement RecyclerViews in your Android app? Look no further than EasyRecyclerView! Create custom RecyclerViews quickly and easily with EasyRecyclerView library. It offers various features to streamline your development process and enhance your app's user interface. With support for swipe to dismiss, clickable items, drag and drop, and many other features, you can quickly create complex and interactive user interfaces that your users will love. Plus, the library is lightweight, easy to use, and fully customizable, so you can tweak it to your heart's content.

đź“‹ Features

  • Lifecycle aware adapter state - Items loaded in the list outlive configuration changes ( orientation change etc.)
  • Selection support
  • Filter support
  • Drag to reorder support
  • Pull to refresh support
  • Swipe to delete support
  • Lazy loading support
  • Empty layout support
  • Diff util support
  • Header and footer list items support
  • Sticky headers decoration
  • Bounce effect on overscroll
  • Different layout managers support: LinearLayoutVertical, LinearLayoutHorizontal, FlowLayoutVertical, FlowLayoutHorizontal

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1. Add Jitpack repository to your project

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

2. Provide the gradle dependency

implementation 'com.github.rooneyandshadows:lightbulb-easyrecyclerview:2.4.0'
// Add recycler adapters support
implementation 'com.github.rooneyandshadows:lightbulb-recycleradapters:2.4.0'


EasyRecyclerView works with adapters of type EasyRecyclerAdapter.

3. Describe the data model for the adapter

class DemoModel : EasyAdapterObservableDataModel {

    var title: String by ObservableProperty("", BR.title)

    var subtitle: String by ObservableProperty("", BR.subtitle)
    override val itemName: String
        get() = title

    constructor(title: String, subtitle: String) {
        this.title = title
        this.subtitle = subtitle

    // Parcelling part
    constructor(parcel: Parcel) {
        title = parcel.readString()!!
        subtitle = parcel.readString()!!

    override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int) {

    override fun describeContents(): Int {
        return 0

    companion object CREATOR : Creator<DemoModel> {
        override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): DemoModel {
            return DemoModel(parcel)

        override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<DemoModel?> {
            return arrayOfNulls(size)

4. Create your data adapter

class SimpleAdapter : EasyRecyclerAdapter<DemoModel>() {
    override val collection: BasicCollection<DemoModel>
        get() = super.collection as BasicCollection<DemoModel>

    override fun createCollection(): BasicCollection<DemoModel> {
        return BasicCollection(this)

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
        //create your ViewHolder

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
        //bind your data

    class ViewHolder(val binding: DemoListItemLayoutBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(

5. Create your RecyclerView

class SimpleRecyclerView @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
) : EasyRecyclerView<DemoModel>(context, attrs) {
    override val adapter: SimpleAdapter
        get() = super.adapter as SimpleAdapter

    init {

6. Add the EasyRecyclerView into the XML

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

7. Select the view in your activity/fragment and provide it with adapter and data

override fun doOnViewCreated(fragmentView: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    recyclerView = fragmentView.findViewById( {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) return@apply
        val initialData = generateData(20)

And that's it. EasyRecyclerView is ready to use.

Additional Setup

Available attributes

    <attr name="erv_empty_layout_id" format="reference" /><!--Layout to show when there is no data-->
    <attr name="erv_supports_overscroll_bounce" format="boolean" /><!--Whether bounce on overscroll is supported.[default:false]-->
    <attr name="erv_layout_manager" format="enum"><!--Type of the layout manager for the recyclerview. [default:LAYOUT_LINEAR_VERTICAL] -->
        <enum name="LAYOUT_LINEAR_VERTICAL" value="1" />
        <enum name="LAYOUT_LINEAR_HORIZONTAL" value="2" />
        <enum name="LAYOUT_FLOW_VERTICAL" value="3" />
        <enum name="LAYOUT_FLOW_HORIZONTAL" value="4" />

Enable pull to refresh

Setup your fragment/activity

override fun doOnViewCreated(fragmentView: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val decoration = VerticalAndHorizontalSpaceItemDecoration(ResourceUtils.dpToPx(12))
    recyclerView.setPullToRefreshListener {
        //fetch data
        val data = generateData(10)
    if (savedInstanceState != null) return

Enable lazy loading

Setup your fragment/activity

override fun doOnViewCreated(fragmentView: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val decoration = VerticalAndHorizontalSpaceItemDecoration(ResourceUtils.dpToPx(12))
    recyclerView.setLazyLoadingListener {
        val data = generateData(10)
        val currentSize = recyclerView.adapter.collection.size()
        val hasMoreData =currentSize + data.size < 40
  if (savedInstanceState != null) return

Enable swipe/drag of items

override fun doOnViewCreated(fragmentView: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    recyclerView.setAdapter(SimpleAdapter(), configureSwipeHandler())

private fun configureSwipeHandler(): TouchCallbacks<DemoModel> {
    return object : TouchCallbacks<DemoModel>(requireContext()) {
        override fun getAllowedSwipeDirections(item: DemoModel): Directions {
            return Directions.NONE

        override fun getAllowedDragDirections(item: DemoModel): Directions {
            return Directions.UP_DOWN

        override fun getActionBackgroundText(item: DemoModel): String {
            return item.itemName

        override fun onSwipeActionApplied(
            item: DemoModel,
            position: Int,
            adapter: EasyRecyclerAdapter<DemoModel>,
            direction: Directions
        ) {

        override fun onActionCancelled(
            item: DemoModel,
            adapter: EasyRecyclerAdapter<DemoModel>,
            position: Int
        ) {

        override fun getSwipeBackgroundColor(direction: Directions): Int {
            return ResourceUtils.getColorByAttribute(requireContext(), R.attr.colorError)

        override fun getSwipeIcon(direction: Directions): Drawable {
            return ResourceUtils.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.icon_delete)!!

        override fun getPendingActionText(direction: Directions): String {
            return "Delete"

        override fun getConfiguration(context: Context): SwipeConfiguration {
            return SwipeConfiguration(requireContext())

Enable alternative empty layout

Trough xml

    app:erv_empty_layout_id="R.layout.yourlayout" />

Trough java

override fun doOnViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val emptyLayout = generateEmptyLayout()
        object : EasyRecyclerView.EasyRecyclerEmptyLayoutListener() {
            override fun onInflated(view: View?) {

            override fun onShow(view: View?) {

            override fun onHide(view: View?) {

More detailed demonstrations you can find in the demo application.


EasyRecyclerView is an all-in-one easy to use RecyclerView library for Android that allows you to create custom and interactive user interfaces quickly and efficiently. With its lightweight and fully customizable code, EasyRecyclerView is the perfect solution for any app developer looking to create beautiful and responsive RecyclerViews.








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