Add the animation
- [ X] User sees a transition animation when going from the main screen to the add card screen.
- [X ] User sees a reveal animation when the flashcard is tapped and the answer is shown
- [ X] User sees flashcards animating in / out when the 'next' button is tapped
- Extra styling is added!
- User sees a countdown timer for each question
- User sees a 'card flip' animation when the card is tapped
- User sees a celebration animation with confetti when they answer a question correctly
FlashCard allow user to add card to review
- [ X] User can create a card and still see their created card when the app is relaunched.
- [X ] User can create muliple cards and browse through all created cards
- User can delete a card and no longer see it in their deck anymore
- Flashcards are shown in random order instead of the order they were created in
- User can edit a card and see the edit saved when they browse through their deck of cards
- User can create flashcards with multiple answers and be able to browse through cards with multiple choice answers shown
user can create it own flashcard
- [X ] User can click on a ‘+’ button that takes the user to new ‘Add Card Screen’
- [ X] The 'Add Card Screen' has a cancel button to take the user back to the main screen
- [X ] User can enter and submit a Question and Answer through the 'Add Card Screen'
- [X ] User will see the card they just created on the main screen when they press the 'Save Button'
- [ X] Push your progress to GitHub!
- User can edit a card
- An error message is shown if the user doesn't enter both a Question and an Answer
- A notification is shown if the card was created successfully
- User can also enter multiple choice answers when creating a card
- App is further styled and customized!
Paste the README templates for each subsequent lab here at the top, (i.e. lab 2, 3, 4). This will show a history of your development process including which users tories you completed and how your app looked and functioned at each step.
This App is a flashcard_app, which mean you could use it to review the notes you write it down.
- [ X] Create New Project in Android Studio
- [X ] Add a view for the front side of the flashcard to display the question
- [ X] Add a view for the back side of the flashcard to display the answer
- [X ] Build in logic to show the answer side when the card is tapped
- [ X] Push code to GitHu
- [X ] toggle the flashcard between the question side and the answer side
- [X ] Style the question and answer side of the card to better distinguish between the two sides
- Add selectable multiple choice answers beneath the card
- Change the background color of the multiple choice answers when clicked to indicate whether the question waanswered correctly
- Further customize and style the card