Transfer telemetry sensor data to Azure Storage Tables. App running on the Wio Terminal developed on PlatformIO using Arduino Code, Microsoft Azure C SDK.
See the detailed explantion of the project on
and the video on Youtube:
This App uses the Seeed eRPC WiFi library. The App works with http and https requests.
The stored data can be visualized in table form with the App 'AzureTabStorClient' or as line charts with the App 'Charts4Azure'.
Before you start, install the latest firmware (actually v2.1.3) for the Wio Terminal WiFi module.
When you have cloned the repository 'AzureDataSender_Wio_Terminal' in your working directory proceed as follows:
Copy the file
to a file named
Open config_secret.h and enter your WiFi Credentials and the Credentials of your Azure Storage Account. Open the file include/config.h and enter some settings (esp. the send interval, your timezone and daylightsavings offset) according to your needs.
Now you should be able to compile and deploy the App to the Wio Terminal. The App should automatically create a table in your Azure Storage Account and start to create new rows.
A version of this App for the Wio Terminal using an Enc28 Ethernet module is available under this link:
A similar version of this App for Teensy 4.1 (no Display) is available under this link:
A similar version for Esp32 DevKit (no Display) is available under this link: