An application containing a list of anime from using Jetpack Compose library and Material Design 2. This app is made for final submission on the "Android with Jetpack Compose" (Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Android dengan Jetpack Compose) Dicoding course. This application implements some of the material from the course, i.e:
- Layout in Compose
- State in Compose
- Lazy Layout in Compose
- Navigation in Compose
- Include Testing in Compose (Semantic & Tag on UI Testing)
This application uses Kotlin as a programing language and Android Studio version Electric Eel as a tool for developing the app.
- This repository is created for sharing and educational purposes only. Plagiarism is unacceptable and is not my responsibility as the author.
- All anime data and image used are from property of MyAnimeList Co.,Ltd. ©2023 All Rights Reserved.
- And copyright for each anime production studio.