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Any Restcom Mobicents server inside opennebula

Ibrahima Gaye edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

Any Restcom/Mobicents server inside opennebula

  1. Install and configure opennebula ( or or Dependencies :

  2. Create a Template from an image (Debian, ubuntu or Centos, ...) from the marketplace MarketPlace

  3. Create a Template : CreateTemplate You can add the downloading and installation script of the RestComm/Mobicents server you want : DownloadRestComm

  4. Instantiate a RestComm Server from the Template InstantiateServer_1 InstantiateServer_2

  5. PortForwarding: you can install shorewall and use this opennebula addons: to easily do PortForwarding from the host machine to the VMs (RestComm Server) PortForwarding

RestComm is lead by TeleStax, Inc. and developed collaboratively by a community of individual and enterprise contributors. RestComm is licensed under dual license policy. The default license is the Free Open Source GNU Affero GPL v3.0. Alternatively a commercial license can be obtained from Telestax (contact form)