I'm a Brazilian Mechatronics Engineer with a passion for all things related to Data Science. My background in Python, C++, and SQL made me eager to face all trends related to this incredible field, as well as the challenges that appear. I’m always looking to collaborate on Data Science Projects, so reach out to me.
- 🎓 I have a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering by Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE) in Brazil
- 🎯 I cover business problems from diferent fields, always using public data. So check it out my portfolio.
- 🐧 I'm linux user (MANJARO)
- 🙏 I have Jewish descent, but I'm a Christian.
Quite often, I write articles on the Medium platform highlighting some topics related to data science, but not restrict to it, that I find interesting. Click in the card below to read my latest article: