A clone of Progressbar95 made in GameMaker that i created for fun.
Note: This project is not affiliated with Spooky House Studios UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) in any way. All assets (except for the code) belong to them. This is simply a fan recreation.
You can download the game from here. I release an update whenever i want, there is no fixed times for when i update.
This is to prevent copyright issues. So instead of me cloning the Progressbar95 sprites, the game loads them from Progressbar95's install directory.
Due to how GameMaker's sound system works, i cannot simply play the sound effects from the install directory because they are MP3 files. You need to use sound-converter-win.bat
to convert them to ogg files.
Running the file by itself will show this:
ProgressGML95 Sound Converter Tool
For a full tutorial, check out https://github.com/Progressbar-Discord-Server/ProgressGML95#how-do-i-get-sound-working
!!!ERROR!!! ffmpeg.exe was not found in the current directory.
If you need a copy of ffmpeg, you may download one from here: https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds/releases/download/latest/ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl.zip
Extract the file called "ffmpeg.exe" located in bin to this directory.
Press any key to continue . . .
For this tool to work, you require FFmpeg (click here to download the latest build). Extract FFmpeg.exe
from the archive (it should be located in the bin
folder) and place it in the same location as sound-converter-win.bat
When you run the batch script, it should look like this:
ProgressGML95 Sound Converter Tool
For a full tutorial, check out https://github.com/Progressbar-Discord-Server/ProgressGML95#how-do-i-get-sound-working
Input the locaton of Progressbar95's sound folder (it should be \Resources\sound)
Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Progressbar95\Resources\sound"
If you haven't moved the install location for your steam games, then "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Progressbar95\Resources\sound"
should work.
If you have changed your install directory, You can drag and drop the sound folder onto the window and it will autofill the location.
When you have the locaton entered, just press ENTER and it will do the rest!
To build, you need to use the newest version of GameMaker. My main target is for Windows, but other desktop targets should work as well.
Download/clone this repository and open it with GameMaker and press "Run".
You are free to redistribute ProgressGML95, as long as you follow some of these simple rules:
- If you have made any modifications, make them open source!
- Link back to this original repo (if it's a fork, you may link back to your fork.)
- Do not include any of the original Progressbar95 assets in your redistributions.