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function: design/ux
function: design/ux
Good for developing/practicing design skills.
function: engineering
function: engineering
Good for developing/practicing engineering skills.
level: 1 - novice
level: 1 - novice
Good for folks who've never done this kind task before and are learning for the first time.
level: 2 - beginner
level: 2 - beginner
Good for folks who've done this kind of task once or twice before and are looking for practice.
level: 3 - mid-level
level: 3 - mid-level
Good for folks who've done this kind of task 3-5 times or more & could even teach someone else how.
level: 4 - advanced
level: 4 - advanced
Good for folks who've done this kind of task many times and can get it done quickly on their own.
status: blocked
status: blocked
Task is defined but cannot be started until another task is complete.
status: in progress
status: in progress
Task is defined and the work has been started.
status: in review
status: in review
Work is ready for review or actively being reviewed.
status: planning
status: planning
Task's requirements are not defined and may still need research, brainstorming, etc.
status: ready to start
status: ready to start
Scope has been defined and is ready to be picked up.
tech: CSS
tech: CSS
Task will involve wokring with CSS tooling and concepts.
tech: markdown
tech: markdown
Task will involve working with Markdown concepts.
tech: nextjs
tech: nextjs
Task will involve working with Next.js tooling and concepts.
tech: react
tech: react
Task will involve working with React tooling and concepts.
type: accessibility
type: accessibility
Something specifically related to assistive technology or accessibility specifications.
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working like expected.
type: chore
type: chore
Small miscellaneous changes. Ex: upgrade dependencies, fix typo.
type: docs
type: docs
Additions, fixes, or improvements to documentation. Ex: code comments, READMEs, wiki pages.
type: feature
type: feature
Changes that add new functionality or extend existing functionality.
type: refactor
type: refactor
Changes that do not effect functionality. Ex: rewrites, renames, restructures, reorganizations..