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Hello! I'm Rawipat Pankosol, a person who is interested in cloud technology, Golang, DevOps, AI, and automation. I have a keen interest in exploring the latest advancements in these fields and applying them to create innovative solutions.

My journey in technology began with a fascination for cloud computing and its potential to revolutionize industries. Over time, I've delved into Golang development, finding its simplicity and efficiency captivating. Additionally, my exploration of DevOps practices has allowed me to streamline development processes and enhance collaboration within teams.

I'm particularly intrigued by the intersection of AI and automation, where I see immense potential for transforming industries and improving everyday experiences. Whether it's building scalable cloud infrastructure, crafting robust Golang applications, implementing AI algorithms, or automating repetitive tasks, I'm driven by a passion for leveraging technology to solve complex problems and drive positive change.


  • Programming languages: Python, GO
  • Technologies: AWS sevices


Project 1

  • Description: The project aims to implement DevOps practices and principles on the Google Cloud Platform for continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and infrastructure automation.
  • Link: First Hand on GCP DevOps
  • Tech Stack: List of technologies used in the project. Goolge Cloud Platform / VPC / Firewall / Control SSH / HAProxy / Squid /Gitlab / Jenkins / Kubernetes / Docker / Grafana / Prometheus / Alert / ELK / Filebeat

Project 2

  • Description: This project is a learning exercise focused on building a REST API using the Go programming language. It implements various functionalities including user management (signup, login, credential validation), event registration, and CRUD operations for events.
  • Link: REST-API-Project
  • Tech Stack: Go (Golang) / Go Gin Web Framework / go-sqlite / jwt-go

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Feel free to explore my repositories and don't hesitate to reach out! Let's connect and collaborate on exciting projects.