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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 15, 2023. It is now read-only.
DevvyyXYZ edited this page Aug 24, 2023 · 18 revisions


1. If I create a new project by accident will my original one be lost

If you have an exported version then no. If you also have created a new project but have not created a command then you can head over to C:/.../AppData/studiodata.json

What are Parameter Types?

Buttons, Select Menus, etc...

1. What are Buttons?

Buttons are a built-in Discord Feature (refer to the first attachment of this message) that allow messages have certain actions binded to them!

2. What are Select Menus? Just like Buttons, they're a built-in Discord Feature!

They allow for selection of multiple options, and can be tightly customized to your needs! (refer to the second attachment of this message)

Bot intents

Error messages

1. Intents missing

2. Bot token missing

3. Missing value in action

4. Incorrect action usage

5. General broken action error

Slash commands

1. How do I mention Slash Commands?

Use </your-command-name> inside an embed, message, or bio.

2. How do I remove the "Application did not respond"

Use the "Reply To Interaction" action.

3. What are Parameter Types?

Parameter types are Discord's built-in "error-checker" for parameters. Bots can make use of these to skip checking if a provided argument is valid. Here's an in-detail list of what parameter types are:

  • Text: A piece of text
  • Number: an integer
  • Boolean: either true or false. Returns are true or false based on the selection
  • Role: A guild role
  • Channel: A guild channel
  • User: Returns an user, not a member In the case of "Role", "Channel" and "User", instead of values they'll return variables.

4. What are Required Parameters, when are they used?

Required Parameters are Command Options that can't be left out blank, it'll always require you fill them out. Required parameters can come in handy on a kick / ban / timeout command, or a suggestion command. They remove the need to check if the user actually gave your command the correct arguments, in the correct order.

Deploying on your own


All support for self deployed projects is voided as we cannot predict changes as forks are not official supported by me or the official SBM team, so you will need to be able to debug issues yourself

On Windows

🛠️ Step-by-step guide
  1. Enters the "studio-bot-maker-plus" folder (the one you downloaded)
cd studio-bot-maker-plus
  1. Makes a "changes" folder
mkdir changes
  1. Enter changes folder
cd changes
  1. Initialise a Local repo
git init
  1. Pull the nessacry files from the repo
git pull
  1. Download all nesscary packages
npm i
  1. Start the application
npm start

On other platforms


This way is not officially supported and was added to cater to some particular use cases where Windows could not be used. The support for this method, therefore, is limited.

🛠️ Step-by-step guide

useful links

Image splitter:

Image to emoji:

Markdown editor:

Oceanic js docs:

Node JS docs:

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