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SnapGrid is a Flutter application that allows users to browse and view photos in a grid layout. It leverages the Splash Photo API to fetch and display photos with their titles. Users can scroll through the grid, tap on a photo to view it in full screen, and see additional details like the description and author.

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SnapGrid is a Flutter application that allows users to browse and view photos in a grid layout. It leverages the Splash Photo API to fetch and display photos with their titles. Users can scroll through the grid, tap on a photo to view it in full screen, and see additional details like the description and author.


The SnapGrid app provides the following features:

  • View Images in Grid Style: The app displays the fetched photos in a grid layout, allowing you to browse through them easily.

  • View Full Picture Details: Tap on a photo to view it in full screen along with additional details such as the author, description, and picture dimensions.

  • Fetch More Pictures: As you scroll through the grid, the app automatically fetches more photos from the API, allowing you to discover and explore a large collection of pictures.

  • Pull-to-Refresh: You can pull down the grid to refresh the photo collection and fetch the latest images from the API. This ensures you always have access to up-to-date and fresh content.

These features provide an intuitive and engaging user experience, making it convenient to browse, explore, and enjoy a variety of photos within the SnapGrid app.

Flutter Setup and Dependencies

To set up and run the Snapgrid App on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Flutter and Dart SDK installed. If not, refer to the official Flutter documentation to install the Flutter SDK for your operating system. Flutter documentation.

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command to clone the the SnapGrid repository:

git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory
cd SnapGrid
  1. After cloning navigate to the project directory, fetch the required dependencies by running using
flutter pub get 
  1. Set up any necessary configuration files, such as API keys or environment variables.Since the Access Key is needed for the api calls in the app and its a vital credentials which would need to be passed in runTime ,using the following command:
flutter run --dart-define API_KEY="API_KEY".

NOTE: This only adds the arguments in the run command in debug mode , also you would need to replace [API_KEY] with your api key.

  1. Launch the app on your preferred emulator or connected device using the following command:
flutter run 

Code Structure

The codebase of the Snapgrid App is structured as follows:

  • /core: Contains the core components and utilities of the application.

    • /storage: Handles storage-related functionality.
    • /network: Manages network-related operations.
    • /utils: Houses utility functions and helper classes.
    • /extensions: Contains extension functions with names ending in "Extensions".
    • Other helper functions: Additional helper functions used throughout the app.
  • /app_locator: Contains the main app folder and its dependencies.

    • Main app class: Contains the entry point of the application.
  • /features: Contains individual features of the app, organized into subfolders.

    • /views: Holds the view components related to each feature.
    • /provider: Contains the controllers or presenters associated with each feature.
    • /repository: Manages data retrieval and manipulation for each feature.
    • Feature main /widgets: Contains reusable widgets specific to each feature.
  • /shared: Contains shared resources and widgets.

    • /resources: Houses assets, colors, typography, and theme-related files.
    • /widgets: Contains reusable widgets used throughout the app.
      • Widget naming convention: Widgets are prefixed with "SgWidgets".

Offline Optimization and Cache

SnapGrid utilizes offline optimization and caching techniques to enhance the user experience, improve performance, and provide seamless offline capabilities. The following components were used for offline optimization:

Storage using Shared Preferences

SnapGrid utilizes the shared_preferences package to store and retrieve data locally on the device. This enables the app to persist user preferences, such as the API key, and other relevant data between app sessions. Shared Preferences provides a lightweight and efficient way to store key-value pairs in a persistent manner.

Caching Network Images

To optimize image loading and provide offline capabilities, SnapGrid uses the cache_network_image package. This package caches the network images locally on the device, allowing the app to display images even when offline or with limited network connectivity. By caching images, SnapGrid reduces the need for repeated network requests, resulting in faster image loading and a smoother user experience.

The combination of shared_preferences and cache_network_image ensures that SnapGrid efficiently utilizes device storage and optimizes image loading, providing a seamless and responsive experience for users, both online and offline.


The SnapGrid app includes unit tests and widget tests to ensure the correctness of its components and features. The tests are located in the test directory and are organized as follows:

  • unit: Contains unit tests that verify the individual units of code, such as functions, utilities, or models.

  • widgets: Contains widget tests that verify the behavior and integration of widgets within the app's views.

Screenshots of the app

Screenshot_1686489517 Screenshot_1686489508 Screenshot_1686489613

Contributing to the repository.

We welcome contributions to the Snapgrid App. To contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes

  2. Implement your changes, ensuring adherence to the established code style and guidelines.

  3. Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages e.g "git commit -m "Add feature: Description of your changes" "

  4. Push to your branch

  5. Open a pull request against the /dev branch in the repository, clearly describing the changes made and their purpose and the lead developer would pick it up from there.

Make sure you have a connected device or simulator available to execute the tests.

The tests in the SnapGrid app adhere to best practices, including isolated unit tests for pure functions and widget tests for UI components.

With the SnapGrid app, you can explore and enjoy a beautiful grid of photos. Follow the installation instructions, explore the code architecture, and run the tests to ensure the app's stability and functionality. Happy browsing!

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact or email [email protected].


SnapGrid is a Flutter application that allows users to browse and view photos in a grid layout. It leverages the Splash Photo API to fetch and display photos with their titles. Users can scroll through the grid, tap on a photo to view it in full screen, and see additional details like the description and author.







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