This is an E-Commerce kind of web application, the main purpose of this application is to help college and school students. Following are the main features of this application:
- User can post ad for Books, Laptop/Mobile , PG/Hostel and other stationery items.
- User can update his/her existing ad.
- User view other ads and get the product he/she is interested in buying.
- They can also apply filters depending on different criterias.
- Authentication facility is also provided.
- User can add products in his/her wishlisht.
This application basically promotes the reusability. Students can reuse the books and other stationery materials. I have used XAMPP server with PHP backend along with Oracle SQL database with ODBC Driver. For front-end I have used HTML/CSS little bit of bootstrap, Javascript and Jquery.
Home Page Ad Upload User Profile User FavouriteI have also included the ER-Diagram and some more screenshots in the repository.