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A set of database queries for an application to help manage data about students and mentors.


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A set of database queries for a Light House Labs application to help manage data about students and mentors.


A barebone node-postgres commandline interface that intracts with the database. Currently fetches one of two possible queries.

   > node app {queryNumber} {cohortName} {maxNumberOfRows}
     Try: > node app 1 FEB 5
      or: > node app 2 FEB 5


ERD Diagram

ERD Explanations

  • students

       id | name | email | phone | github | start_date | end_date | cohort_id
    • id: A unique identifier
    • name: The full name of the student
    • email: The students' email address
    • phone: The students' phone number
    • github: The students' github profile url
    • start_date: The students' start date of the Bootcamp
    • end_date: The students' end date of the Bootcamp
    • cohort_id: The id of the cohort that the student is enrolled in
  • cohorts

     id | name | start_date | end_date
    • id: A unique identifier
    • name: The name of the cohort
    • start_date: The cohorts' start date
    • end_date: The cohorts' end date
  • assignments

     id | name | content | day | chapter | duration
    • id: A unique identifier
    • name: The name of the assignment
    • content: The written content body of the assignment
    • day: The day that the assignment appears on
    • chapter: The order that the assignment will appear in the day.
    • duration: The average time it takes a student to finish
  • assignment_submissions

     id | assignment_id | student_id | duration | submission_date
    • id: A unique identifier
    • assignment_id: The id of the assignment
    • student_id: The id of the student
    • duration: The time it took the student to complete the assignment
    • submission_date: The date is was submitted
  • teachers

     id | name | is_active | start_date | end_date
    • id: A unique identifier
    • name: The name of the teacher
    • start_date: The date that the teacher started working.
    • end_date: The date that the teacher stopped working.
    • is_active: If the teacher is actively teaching right now.
  • assistance_requests

     id | student_id | teacher_id | assignment_id | created_at | started_at | completed_at | student_feedback | teacher_feedback
    • id: A unique identifier
    • assignment_id: The id of the assignment the request was made from
    • student_id: The id of the student making the request
    • teacher_id: The id of the teacher responding to the request
    • created_at: The timestamp when the request was made
    • started_at: The timestamp when the assistance started
    • completed_at: The timestamp when the assistance was completed
    • student_feedback: Feedback about the student given by the teacher
    • teacher_feedback: Feedback about the teacher given by the student

Migration & Creating Tables

\c bootcampx;

\i migrations/students_cohorts.sql
\i migrations/assignments_submissions.sql

\i seeds/cohorts.sql
\i seeds/students.sql
\i seeds/assignment_seeds.sql
\i seeds/assignment_submissions_seeds.sql

Temporary Fake Data

Temporary fake data

wget -O seeds/students.sql
wget -O seeds/cohorts.sql
wget -O seeds/assignment_seeds.sql
wget -O seeds/assignment_submissions_seeds.sql
wget -O teacher_seeds.sql
wget -O assistance_requests_seeds.sql


Selects id, name, email, and cohort_id of those without a github account

 id  |       name        |             email              | cohort_id
  99 | Herminia Smitham  | [email protected]        |         7
 102 | Jacinthe Kautzer  | [email protected]          |         7
 111 | Bernardo Turcotte | [email protected]  |         8
 123 | Eloisa Quigley    | [email protected]        |         9
 128 | Tiana Altenwerth  | [email protected]        |         9

Selects id and name of students in cohort cohort_id = 1, and orders them in alphabetical order.

 id |       name
  1 | Armand Hilll
 13 | Brian Jones
 16 | Carmel Grant
 14 | Clint Cremin
 17 | Colten Gutkowski
  9 | Donnie Lueilwitz

Selects the total number of students who were in the first 3 cohorts.

(1 row)

Gets the name, id, and cohort_id of all of the students that don't have an email or a phone number.

       name       | id  | cohort_id
 Aurore Yundt     | 160 |        11
 Cory Toy         | 161 |        11
 Kurt Turcotte    | 163 |        11
 Elda McClure     | 164 |        11
 Luisa Sipes      | 168 |        11
 Bertha Johnson   | 172 |        11

Gets the name, email, id, and cohort_id of all of the students without a and phone number.

      name       |           email           | id  | cohort_id
 Javonte Ward    | [email protected] | 178 |
 Jessika Jenkins | [email protected]   | 187 |
 Jerrold Rohan   | [email protected]  | 189 |
(3 rows)

Gets the name, id, and cohort_id of all of the students currently enrolled and orders them by cohort_id.

        name         | id  | cohort_id
 Deon Hahn           | 151 |        11
 Sean Bartell        | 152 |        11
 Sarai Flatley       | 153 |        11
 Billie Mitchell     | 154 |        11
 Vance Kihn          | 155 |        11
 (42 rows)

Gets the name, email, and phone number of all graduates without a linked Github account.

       name        |             email             |    phone
 Herminia Smitham  | [email protected]       | 778-251-5094
 Jacinthe Kautzer  | [email protected]         | 075-883-5570
 Bernardo Turcotte | [email protected] | 814-473-6929
 Eloisa Quigley    | [email protected]       | 276-965-2022
 Tiana Altenwerth  | [email protected]       | 448-872-0954
 Hailie Kutch      | [email protected]      | 249-763-9998
(6 rows)

Gets the total amount of time that a student has spent on all assignments, in this case 'Ibrahim Schimmel'.

       name       | total_duration
 Ibrahim Schimmel |           6888
(1 row)

Gets the total amount of time that all students from a specific cohort have spent on all assignments, in this case 'FEB12'.

 cohort | total_duration
 FEB12  |         373501
(1 row)

Gets the total number of assignments for each day of bootcamp, ordered and grouped by the day.

 day | total_assignments
   1 |                11
   2 |                 9
   3 |                 9
   4 |                 9
   (51 rows)

Gets the total number of assignments for busy days with more than 9 assignments, ordered and grouped by the day.

 day | total_assignments
   1 |                11
   9 |                12
  22 |                10
  23 |                10
  24 |                10
  29 |                10

Gets all the cohorts with 18 or more students, ordered by size

 name  | student_count
 FEB12 |            18
 APR09 |            19
 JUN04 |            19
 NOV19 |            22
 SEP24 |            22
(5 rows)

Gets the total number of assignment submissions for each cohort, ordered from greatest to least submissions.

 cohort | total_submissions
 SEP24  |              9328
 JUN04  |              8030
 APR09  |              7935
 NOV19  |              7231
 JUL02  |              5868
 MAY07  |              5843
 FEB12  |              5440
 JUL30  |              4664
 OCT22  |              4626
 AUG27  |              4589
 MAR12  |              3002
(11 rows)

Gets the average assignment completion time of the currently enrolled students, ordered the results from greatest duration to least.

       student       | average_assignment_duration 
 Hettie Hettinger    |        140.0533333333333333
 Santino Oberbrunner |        139.2991803278688525
 Vance Kihn          |        100.0730994152046784
 Jerrold Rohan       |         99.3553719008264463
 Vivienne Larson     |         96.1818181818181818
(42 rows)

Gets the students, from current cohort, who's average time it takes to complete an assignment is less than the average estimated time it takes to complete an assignment. Ordered from smallest to largest time.

    student     | average_assignment_duration | average_estimated_duration
 Delores Gibson |         41.2971428571428571 |        53.7571428571428571
 Cory Toy       |         41.8800000000000000 |        53.7571428571428571
 Nola Jerde     |         42.2764227642276423 |        54.3089430894308943
 Florida Turner |         42.5934959349593496 |        54.3089430894308943
(4 rows)

Gets the total number of assistance_requests for a given teacher, in this case 'Waylon Boehm'.

     name     | total_assistances
 Waylon Boehm |              4227
(1 row)

Gets the total number of assistance_requests for a given student, in this case 'Elliot Dickinson'.

       name       | total_assistances
 Elliot Dickinson |               138
(1 row)

Gets important data about each assistance request for a named-assignment, with the following columns:

  • teacher's name
  • student's name
  • assignment's name
  • duration for each assistance request
    • Calculated as the difference between completed_at and started_at. Ordered by duration
      teacher       |         student          |             assignment             | duration
 Helmer Rodriguez   | Maximillian Pfannerstill | Expedita officia                   | 00:02:45
 Georgiana Fahey    | Gene Carter              | Ut fuga                            | 00:02:45
 Roberto Towne      | Vivien Mosciski          | Ea totam iste                      | 00:02:45
 Cheyanne Powlowski | Vivien Mosciski          | Eum eaque                          | 00:02:45
 Rosalyn Raynor     | Gene Carter              | Porro placeat velit                | 00:03:00
 Roberto Towne      | Maximillia Willms        | Quibusdam est                      | 00:03:00
 (20214 rows)

Gets the average time of an assistance request.

(1 row)

Gets the average duration of assistance requests for each cohort, Ordered by duration.

 name  | average_assistance_request_duration
 SEP24 | 00:13:23.071576
 JUL30 | 00:13:23.956547
 FEB12 | 00:13:42.66022
 JUN04 | 00:13:45.974562
 MAY07 | 00:13:58.745754
 JUL02 | 00:13:59.152542
 AUG27 | 00:14:15.572792
 NOV19 | 00:14:34.16273
 OCT22 | 00:15:22.121838
 APR09 | 00:15:39.425113
 MAR12 | 00:15:44.556041
(11 rows)

Gets the cohort with the longest average duration of assistance requests.

 name  | average_assistance_time
 MAR12 | 00:15:44.556041
(1 row)

Calculates the average time it takes to start an assistance request.

(1 row)

Gets the total duration of all assistance requests for each cohort individually, and orders them by duration.

 cohort | total_duration
 JUL30  | 390:35:20
 AUG27  | 398:19:00
 JUL02  | 453:50:30
 NOV19  | 462:34:40
 MAY07  | 480:10:55
 OCT22  | 496:09:10
 MAR12  | 540:45:30
 FEB12  | 602:35:55
 JUN04  | 667:26:00
 SEP24  | 754:13:05
 APR09  | 862:26:40
(11 rows)

Calculates the average-cohort total duration of assistance requests.

(1 row)

Lists each assignment with the total number of assistance requests with it.

 id  |         name         | day | chapter | total_requests
 424 | Ullam cumque         |  51 |      12 |            143
 423 | Culpa esse sint      |  51 |      11 |            113
  45 | Quia quasi           |   5 |       7 |             86
  50 | A rerum              |   6 |       5 |             83
 141 | Illo error dolor     |  17 |       9 |             82
 (424 rows)

Gets each day with the total number of assignments and the total duration of the assignments, and ordered by day.

 day | number_of_assignments | duration
   1 |                    11 |      590
   2 |                     9 |      585
   3 |                     9 |      425
(51 rows)

Gets the name of all teachers that performed an assistance request during a given cohort, and orderes them by the instructor's name; in this case 'JUL02' cohort.

      teacher       | cohort
 Cheyanne Powlowski | JUL02
 Georgiana Fahey    | JUL02
 Helmer Rodriguez   | JUL02
 Jadyn Bosco        | JUL02
 Roberto Towne      | JUL02
 Rosalyn Raynor     | JUL02
 Talon Gottlieb     | JUL02
 Waylon Boehm       | JUL02
(8 rows)

Gets the name of all teachers that performed an assistance request during a given cohort, the number of assistances during that cohort, and orderes them by the instructor's name; in this case 'JUL02' cohort.

      teacher       | cohort | total_assistances
 Cheyanne Powlowski | JUL02  |               336
 Georgiana Fahey    | JUL02  |               158
 Helmer Rodriguez   | JUL02  |               157
 Jadyn Bosco        | JUL02  |               177
 Roberto Towne      | JUL02  |               170
 Rosalyn Raynor     | JUL02  |               331
 Talon Gottlieb     | JUL02  |               299
 Waylon Boehm       | JUL02  |               319
(8 rows)

Useful Commands pSQL

  • \c ...: select a table
  • \dt: List tables
  • \! ...: executes an external shell command
  • SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables;: list system tables
  • CREATE TABLE ... (...);


A set of database queries for an application to help manage data about students and mentors.








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