- Build Resume and get ready for internships & placement 👨💻
- Clean UI ⚡
- User can easily toggle between any two successive pages by using Back ⬅️ and Next ➡️ buttons
- While toggling between successive pages user's data will be completely saved 💾 in form templates made using react.js
- After filling all information, download resume in PDF 📁 format
- Success notification is being displayed to user while resume is downloading with a green tick ✅
The front end of Resume Builder is purely made with react.js, while the back end is made with Nodejs and Expressjs.
Alongwith 'axios' and 'file-saver' packages are used in it for generating pdf and saving the details entered by the user at the server side.
- Open the website http://lk-resumebuilder.herokuapp.com/
- Fill all the relevant information present in 4-5 pages such as Project details, Experience Info, Education Info, Extra Curriculars/Activities Details.
- At last click on Download PDF button and in few seconds resume will be downloaded in PDF format.
- React.js - Frontend Framework
- Node.js - Backend Framework
- Express.js - Server Side Node.js Framework
> Clone the repo
>> For Windows: Git Bash
>> For Linux: Terminal
>> git clone https://github.com/ROHAN842/Resume-Builder.git
>> cd MainFolder/DirectoryName
> Install all dependencies
>> npm i
> Spin the server on port 5000
>> cd MainFolder/DirectoryName
>> nodemon or node index.js
> Spin the react on port 3000
>> cd client
>> npm start
> Visit the website on http://localhost:3000/