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BluePearlMusic Discord Bot (JDA)

A simple music bot easy to set up.

The bot is written in Java with JDA and LavaPlayer.


  • /music play <URL/Name¹>
    • Plays a song / playlist that given.
  • /music skip [amount]
    • Skip a songs / skips a given amount on songs.
  • /music stop
    • Stops the current music and clean the queue.
  • /music shuffel
    • Randomize the current queue.
  • /music np
    • Show the current playing song.
  • /music queue
    • Show the next 20 songs.
  • /music volume <volume²>
    • Set the volume to the given volume.

¹ = The name of a song, ² = ex: 80 (without %)

<> = required [] = optional


  • Required:
    • Java 17
    • Docker
    • Docker Compose
    • Linux / Hosting System
    • SFTP like Termius
  • Download the jar File
  • Go into the usr Folder and create a new Folder with your bots name example(BluePearlMusic`).
  • Put the 3 Files in there
  • edit the docker-compose.yml like that:
version: '3.8'

    image: yourbotname
      - token.env
      - default
    restart: unless-stopped
  • the Dockerfile like thath:
FROM ibm-semeru-runtimes:open-17-jre-focal

WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./YourBotName/ /usr/app/

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "yourJarFileName.jar"]
  • Now you can open your Terminal and go into the Folder like that:
    • cd .. (go out of root in case your logged in with root)
    • cd usr/YourBotName
  • After that you can build the jar as Image
docker build -t yourbotname ./
  • Now you can start your Bot
docker compose up -d
  • you can see the logs, with these command
docker logs -f yourbotname-yourbotname-1
  • Congratulations, you can now yous the music bot

Stopping the Bot

  • To stopping your bot use these commands
docker compose down
  • To delete the Image
docker rmi yourbotname:latest


You can fork this repository to edit the messages of the Bot. When you don't have a good hosting System, then edit the Buffer in the Constructor form the PlayerSendHandler.


This bot is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2023 RECHERGG