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2.1.5 - First release since fork from react-native-open-doc

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@R4DIC4L R4DIC4L released this 24 Jan 14:49
· 4 commits to master since this release

Exported functions

Opening a document for view:

  • open(pathToFile) - by file path (local path, with or without file://) [android & iOS]
  • NEW openWithSuggestedMime(contentUri, suggestedMimeType) - for content:// URI document with specified mime type [android ONLY]

Sharing a document in android (for iOS use Share.share({ url: selectedUri }) api):

  • share(pathToFile) - by file path (local path, with or without file://) [android ONLY]
  • NEW shareWithSuggestedMime(contentUri, suggestedMimeType) - for content:// URI document with specified mime type [android ONLY]

Open file picker (android and iOS)

  • pick(null, (error, files) => {}) - use file picker [android & iOS]