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Releases: Quick-Event/quickbox

X-Mas 2023 release QE 2.6.26

24 Dec 16:33
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X-Mas 2023 release


Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the orienteering runners. I wish you great season. This is annual release, list of changes is bellow. We are moving towards to Qt6 (see qe3 branch), which is planned to become master next year. Qt5 version is now stable and most feature rich QE release (master branch currently).

Many thanks to all the contributors.

Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok všem běžcům. Jako každé Vánoce i letos vydáváme novou verzi programu na pořádání závodů v orientačním běhu QuickEvent. Letošní verze je pravděpodobně poslední QE v Qt5, příští rok plánuji přechod na Qt6. Qt6 verze již existuje ve větvi qe3, je otestovaná na HSH 2023, bohužel existuje relativně dost commitů, které letos putovaly pouze do Qt5 verze a nebyly backportovány do qe3. Jen pro upřesnění QE 2.x bude v Qt5, QE 3.x bude Qt6.

Ať nám to běhá.

Fanda Vacek

Change log

Anatolii Sakhnik:

  • Update Ukrainian translation
  • Add an WebApi service to accept card readouts via HTTP POST
  • Allow logging requests to a file
  • Add Ukrainian translation for QR-O-Punch

Eryk Michalak:

  • Translated using Weblate (Polish)

Evgeniy Khramov:

  • Translated using Weblate (Russian)

Fanda Vacek:

  • Doplnit v xml i číslo použité verze do atributu creator #906
  • Kontrola pravidel losování nefunguje po spuštění programu #914
  • [#897 fixed] Štafety: Chybný tisk výsledků
  • ERR Windows: Modal okna mimo zobrazitelnou plochu #905
  • App crash on sync oris entries fixed
  • Fixed export if Id to iofxml
  • Modal okna mimo zobrazitelnou plochu #905 revisited
  • [#905 fixed] ERR Windows: Modal okna mimo zobrazitelnou plochu

Otakar Hirš:

  • fix(OResults): unify runner_id
  • feat: unique Id for all runner exports, close #916
  • fix: result status toString, close #917
  • fix: make DSQ precedence over NC
  • fix: make disqualifiedByOrganizer higher priority
  • fix: include libssl in appimage
  • fix: export of invalid time in oresults service

Richard Patek:

  • Extend-imports-xml-csv-world-races
  • Fix page layouts & some ReportOptionsDialog improvements (#937)
  • Fixed the cause of problems reported in the issue described in #917
  • Fixed ogtime.js functions as suggested in #917 to match behavior with the edit in PR #919
  • Add IOF XML import, 2 CSV imports (prototype) - IOF XML import (now only single race support), from ORIS & IOF Eventor, imports: clubs, registration, classes, entries - CSV imports (key is Cze registration or IOF ID), supported columns : SI, class, bib, start time
  • Add flag to event config - we need to know what type of data we have (ex. XML exports)
  • Txt Imports - extended handling of starttime Xml Entries Import - better handling of NationalFederation and Nationality
  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'fanda/master' into extend-imports-xml-csv-world-races
  • Add raceNumber to EventConfig, add support for raceNumber to XML export (startlist). Update XML startlist export for Eventor (WMOC)
  • TxtImport - fix for format "h:mm:ss", XmlImporter - fix exception when class already exists
  • XmlImporter - add import of relays (Eventor), and Event (Eventor).
  • IOF XML 3.0 relays startlist export compatible with Eventor
  • Fix IOF XML 3.0 single race results export compatible with Eventor. Fix relay export crash when no results.
  • Unite QE Id used in XML export
  • Fix relay results - summary run status of relay
  • CSV export of startlist for TV Graphics - single race
  • Competitors Widget - add button for quick switch first & last name.
  • CSV Result export - add DNS, add single file results call to Runs->Export->Results->Current Stage->CSV
  • WMOC - prepare for more information columns in startlist & results
  • Emma service update (txt part) for new Emma Racom client (support for minus time, support for long club names, better time formating)
  • Emma service update (txt part) for new Emma Racom client (new CSV startlist export - for single race & relays) - for CSV starlist need to use Emma Client from 2023-8 or newer.
  • Fix IOF XML 3.0 relay race results export compatible with Eventor & better org support
  • CardReader - Show Bib (can use Bib in find), DISQ is readOnly, Can use Bib in "Assign card to runner"
  • In the card reader plugin, RunFlagDialog is used instead of two checkboxes - fixing a possible inconsistency when checking/unchecking them
  • Fix receipt for free order - correct split times are shown. Not all controls in "Extra punches"
  • CSV Result export - fix for Cze races & for older races without proper runStatus set.
  • CSV imports - some fixes : UI, better SI handling, import with key is
  • Fix Emma client CSV startlist export - set missing UTF-8 codec
  • Fix bugs reported from 6. kolo PLŽ - Podhorní Újezd a Vojice [2023-09-19] Emma client startlist export - runners with SI = 0, runners with start in SI card when start is PM)


  • Translated using Weblate (Czech)


  • Added relays into Quickshow (#949)

QE 2.6.20

28 Apr 14:51
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FIXED: Postgres driver error in nightly build #894

QE 2.6.18

23 Apr 10:21
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QuickEvent 2.6.18


Commit Author Date Message
3d36b32 Lukáš Paukert Sat Apr 22 feat: UI improvement, localization
24ea514 arnost 00 Fri Apr 21 Improved club start list sorting - feature request #739 Now are possible 3 basic types : by Class Names, by Start times, by Runner names
444bd93 Fanda Vacek Sun Apr 16 [#876 fixed] Wrong content of the tag in the XML export of races with more than one start
b70a2fd Fanda Vacek Sun Apr 16 IOF ID edit-box added to competitor widget
a388719 arnost 00 Sun Apr 16 fix: add missing page layout part in startlist dlg for classes & clubs, close #879
56adb27 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 15 fix: touchpad mess
55b0df4 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 15 remove debug log
558865d Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 15 fix: openssl instalation
05f1572 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 15 fix: include correct version of ssl libs for windows build
751b815 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 15 fix: xml relay TimeBehind, close #878
95a7c6c arnost 00 Fri Apr 14 More info about SSL in About Dlg
ef5bb1e Fanda Vacek Thu Apr 13 SSL info added to About QuicEvent dialog
92bde40 Otakar Hirš Wed Apr 5 fix(OResults): support for multistage events
13edd04 arnost 00 Wed Apr 5 Added IOF ID for WRE races - XML exports - startlist & results
1496cbb Otakar Hirš Sun Apr 2 fix: include start number in xml results export, fix #874
656cc56 Otakar Hirš Sun Apr 2 fix(OResults): change of stage does affect service
501d05e arnost 00 Sun Apr 2 Added IOF ID for WRE races - add to Db and imported from ORIS
a595c40 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 1 fix: StartList header, close #870
c7ee575 Otakar Hirš Sat Apr 1 feat: TimeBehind in relay export, close #736
89d81a3 Fanda Vacek Sat Apr 1 App crash, when duplicit SI to rent was entered fixed #391
06f274e Lukáš Paukert Mon Mar 27 Translated using Weblate (Czech)
9e9cac9 Evgeniy Khramov Mon Mar 27 Translated using Weblate (Russian)
029fbbc Otakar Hirš Sun Mar 26 feat: EntryId in relay export #860
91b5199 Otakar Hirš Sun Mar 26 fix: askYesNo dialog
c74778d Otakar Hirš Sun Mar 26 fix: unify relay name, resolve #860
259b51c Otakar Hirš Sun Mar 26 fix: filename & relays export, fix #863
e7a643e arnost 00 Sun Mar 26 Fix #855 - added connect for 2 missing buttons.
4a3cd9c Lukáš Paukert Wed Mar 22 feat: UI improvements, typos
8646a24 Lukáš Paukert Tue Mar 21 Translated using Weblate (Czech)
bce14d4 Otakar Hirš Tue Mar 21 refactor(OResults): change gzip for simpler zlib
802f19b Otakar Hirš Tue Mar 21 feat(OResults): upload both start list and results on service startup
5f9c1f7 Otakar Hirš Tue Mar 21 feat(OResults): save API key persistently in DB
707097d Otakar Hirš Mon Mar 20 fix: relay xml results export
99e2a94 Otakar Hirš Mon Mar 20 feat: set start time for next leg after readout, resolve #852
1d1e9ea Fanda Vacek Sun Mar 19 SQLITE - nejaky problem s null hodnotami #851
440c3e0 Lukáš Paukert Sat Feb 11 Update TS files
b777bbd Otakar Hirš Fri Jan 20 fix: windows build ssl version
20137a6 Václav Kubernát Thu Jan 12 CI: Build with C++17
4cba515 Václav Kubernát Tue Aug 23 qt6: Get rid of Core5Compat
3a8b405 Václav Kubernát Thu Aug 18 qt6: Add CMake support
406d442 arnost 00 Wed Dec 28 ResultStatus (RunStatus) - fixed missing overtime in QML
6d55f16 Richard Patek Sun Nov 27 Add description file for "Jednotny format vysledku CSOS" for future use.
ba4fa93 Richard Patek Mon Nov 21 Result status fixed for some result print & exports
042b47d Richard Patek Tue Nov 1 Fix whitespaces (missing tabs). Unified result status logic
9e21ebc arnost 00 Fri Oct 21 Fix OverTime flaf after merge
5103ec2 arnost 00 Fri Aug 5 ResultStatus prototype, connect to some result outputs. Class for processing result status in one place - try to unified result flag processing Extend new result status from #669 and #714
b04d0eb arnost 00 Wed Jul 27 Add OverTime to Result flags - extend DbSchema & RunFlags dialog

X-Mas 2022 release QE 2.6.14

24 Dec 15:54
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X-Mas 2022 release


Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the orienteering fans. I wish you the right direction and happiness. This is annual release, list of changes is bellow. Please note that, if you want access to bug fixes and new features earlier, you can download developer builds form github actions directly.

Many, many thanks to the contributors.

Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok všem lidem a orientačním běžcům zvláště. Jako každé Vánoce i letos vydáváme novou verzi programu na pořádání závodů v orientačním běhu QuickEvent. Letošní verze neobsahuje žadnou velkou novinku, snad jedině centralizované nastavení, které umožňuje opět uživatelskou editaci sestav. Opravili jsme nějaké chyby a snažili se zjednodušit a zpřehlednit uživatelské rozhraní. Přibyl export pro on-line sledování výsledků OResults. Porobnější seznam změn je na konci této stránky. Děkuji všem kontributorům, ale celé komunitě okolo QE za spolupráci, čas, podněty, zpětnou vazbu a víru v open-source.

Ať nám to běhá a ať nás to pořád baví.

Fanda Vacek

Change list

Commit Author Date Message
2415ca2 Fanda Vacek Thu Dec 22 2022 Export into xml - need to escape &<>'" characters #751
95029d0 Richard Patek Sun Nov 27 2022 SIME startlist fomat description moved to txt file in doc folder
47d296a Fanda Vacek Wed Nov 23 2022 Add libfuse to linux build action
06d24d1 Fanda Vacek Thu Nov 17 2022 [#831 fixed] Nevalidní XML IOF-XML 3.0 export
c28cbe1 Fanda Vacek Wed Nov 9 2022 tlacitko Test Connection v nastaveni nepouziva aktualni hodnoty nastaveni #826 fixed
e9b9119 Richard Patek Wed Nov 9 2022 Export startlist in CSV format (SIME) - add BOM for Windows
bab6fef Richard Patek Wed Nov 9 2022 Export startlist in CSV format (SIME) - added dialgo to : class name filter, show bibs Fix ReportOptionsDialog init vallues for variable pageLayoutVisible
5cb20a9 Otakar Hirs Fri Nov 4 2022 feat(OResults): send runner data after readout or edit
284b332 Fanda Vacek Fri Oct 28 2022 FIXED Settings -> Receipts: chybné zobrazení vybrané tiskárny #822
98bc617 arnost 00 Thu Oct 27 2022 Experimental prototype - export startlist in CSV format (SIME). Used for Tak-Soft program StarterClock which is used by starters. Exclude P & HDR
5b51a84 Otakar Hirš Mon Oct 10 2022 refactor: use Flags dialogs in edit competitor widget
4791ad0 Otakar Hirš Mon Oct 10 2022 refactor: improve card flags #691
52c89f6 Otakar Hirš Mon Oct 10 2022 refactor: improve run flags dialog, resolve #796
6df83a1 Otakar Hirš Mon Oct 10 2022 fix: unify time export format, close #808
16b24d1 Fanda Vacek Fri Oct 7 2022 Přiřazování startovních čísel z dané sekvence #653
466ad65 Otakar Hirš Thu Oct 6 2022 refactor: move CardsToLent into Settings, resolve #802
d748fd2 Otakar Hirš Thu Oct 6 2022 fix: OResults error message, resolve #811
33f00f4 Fanda Vacek Wed Oct 5 2022 Better OResult upload error logging
7a56e74 arnost 00 Sun Oct 2 2022 Rawplist read - fix comment, removed SQL prepare. Update comment to debug level, and only when written to db.
2714c4b arnost 00 Mon Sep 26 2022 Rawplist read - fix variable name, remove unnecessary member function
08baf71 Fanda Vacek Sat Sep 10 2022 Merge pull request #780 from Quick-Event/centralized-settings
5ab3683 Fanda Vacek Tue Aug 30 2022 Progress dialog when gathering SI station info during comm test.
c53602d Fanda Vacek Tue Aug 30 2022 Custom reports explanation tool-tip
0e81ff6 Fanda Vacek Mon Aug 29 2022 Receipts settings: ClasicLotery receipt is not selected as the default.
54b3033 Fanda Vacek Mon Aug 29 2022 CardReader settings page test comm checks if connected serial device is SI reader
575013c Otakar Hirš Mon Aug 29 2022 fix: start/stop service logic, close #795
0aa306e Fanda Vacek Mon Aug 29 2022 More explicit open COM test result message
491fc7b Fanda Vacek Sun Aug 28 2022 Receipts settings centralized
dc2d943 Fanda Vacek Sun Aug 28 2022 Settings singleton introduced to reduce opening settings file each time, when some settings value is read.
39c84a8 Fanda Vacek Sun Aug 28 2022 CardReader settings moved to settings dialog
44431c5 Fanda Vacek Sat Aug 27 2022 Test comport button in card reader settings widget implemented
b5193d5 Fanda Vacek Sun Jul 31 2022 Centralized Settings API based on Core::Settings
7d30d18 arnost 00 Sat Jul 30 2022 Read splits from TXT file prototype. Read format known as "racom rawsplits". Format generated from Racom or BlueBox
16fdb6c Fanda Vacek Sun Jul 17 2022 Vratit reporty z resources do adresaru, kde je QE vyhledava #722
8d4aefb Fanda Vacek Sun Jul 17 2022 all the reports moved to 'reports' subdirectory
a9e3e8b Fanda Vacek Fri Jul 15 2022 Results current page can be customized
0f01aaa Fanda Vacek Wed Jul 13 2022 Settings dialog is styled according to application CSS
39eb852 Fanda Vacek Sat Jul 9 2022 Centralized settings dialog under File->Settings

QuickEvent 2.6.5

24 Sep 19:14
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Change list

Commit Author Message
cd9a996 Václav Kubernát cmake: Build quickevent
0d957ab Otakar Hirš feat: OResults service
259e6bf Lukáš Paukert Remove Time element from IOF XML 3.0 export if SplitTime is missing
3a02470 arnost00 Fix issue #738 - hide start number in html startlist when no start number in class / club
2fb610f arnost00 Extend SI punch decode - control code can be up to 511
b9a9989 Václav Kubernát Fix ORing different enum types
e8525fa Otakar Hirš change emmaclient export files for relays
1402f4b Otakar Hirš complete IOFXML3.0 export for relays
a72f241 Lukáš Paukert Translated using Weblate (Czech)
0484616 arnost00 WMOC - result service - csv export of results - single file or one file per class
98b80f2 Lukáš Paukert Set OB as default sport when creating new event
84be840 Lukáš Paukert Allow only small letters in PostgreSQL schema name
eb2bea3 Lukáš Paukert Fix #752 - fix SQL update statement for PostgreSQL
545e4b1 arnost00 New courses can replace or append old cources
fc81268 Fanda Vacek #732 Card6 SI == 0 read error
76f0481 Fanda Vacek Show raw data in Card reader does nothing #731
bb3054a Fanda Vacek Keep runners order draw option does not work #718
ff31866 Fanda Vacek Cannot set not-run from edit competitor dialog #720
652f441 Fanda Vacek Add disqualified explicitly option to run flags #714
4065d89 Fanda Vacek Ambiguous shortcut Ctrl+V in Classes table #715 fixed
a73b407 Fanda Vacek Tlacitko vlozit zavodnika v "Zavodnici" zustava zasedle #712
0812ba5 arnost00 Modified XML export - issue #724 - added more information in XML3.0 export (Organisation\Name, Result\TimeBehind, Result\ControlCard)
91fd44c arnost00 Modified UI - issue #723 - start 00 can be set in format H:mm:ss. Some dialog titles update.
949ee11 arnost00 Print option dialog - resize to minimal size on exec, name of dialog in title
f3ab663 Martin Špirk string :// is not detected as a comment in json
9f7460e Fanda Vacek Chyba při importu závodu – COMMIT transaction error #706 vyreseno pomoci call-backu
edc509c Fanda Vacek Chyba při importu závodu – COMMIT transaction error #706
08e07ca Lukáš Paukert Fix changing stage in Runs module, close #705
5688ad2 Otakar Hirš open AssignCardToRunner dialog with Ctrl+Enter shortcut, close #698
9038008 Otakar Hirš disable globally "?" button in dialogs
c09cab0 Otakar Hirš hide UseInNextStages if event has only one stage
2307ceb Otakar Hirš add relay info
e11be2d Otakar Hirš warn user when start interval for class is not set, close #690
2c9521c Otakar Hirš fix: setting start time in advance for next leg overwrites start time set to mass start runners
b7d6dab Fanda Vacek Force isRunning flag to be not null #668 SQL error on "Is Running" uncheck fixed QE ver 2.5.3
1c07236 Fanda Vacek Check for PostgreSQL schema name is run also for SQLite #694 fixed
a350ce8 Fanda Vacek Force isRunning flag to be not null #668 QE 2.5.1
3a3c82b Fanda Vacek Implement IOF-XML-v3 ResultStatus flags #669 done #655
0263f26 Fanda Vacek Force isRunning flag to be not null #668 fixed

QuickEvent 2.4.7

03 Jan 22:00
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Critical bug in 2.4.6 in relay module fixed

Opravena kritická chyba při pořádání štafet z verze 2.4.6

X-Mas release 2021

25 Dec 11:25
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X-Mas release 2021


Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Orienteering fans all around the world. I wish you many pleasant events, smooth run, the right direction and happiness. This is annual release, list of changes is bellow. Please note that, if you want access to bug fixes and new features earlier, you can download developer builds form github actions directly.

Many, many thanks to the contributors.

Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok všem běžcům a orientačním zvláště. Jako každé Vánoce i letos vydáváme novou verzi programu na pořádání závodů v orientačním běhu QuickEvent. Letošní verze neobsahuje žadnou velkou novou funkcionalitu, zato jsme však opravili velké množství chyb a snažili se zjednodušit a zpřehlednit uživatelské rozhraní. Porobnější seznam změn je na konci této stránky, včetně jmen nejpilnějších kontributorů. Děkuji nejem jim, ale i celé komunitě okolo QE za spolupráci, čas, podněty, zpětnou vazbu a víru, že lze svobodně vyvíjet program, který nám může všem dobře sloužit. Má to cenu.

Ať nám to běhá a ať nás to pořád baví.

Fanda Vacek

Možná jste si všimli, že poslední oficiální verze byla vydána před rokem. Je to proto, že se nám podařilo nakonfigurovat kontinuální buildy po každém commitu. Ti z vás, kteří chtějí testovat poslední úpravy nebo chtějí pořádat bez již opravených chyb, si mohou stahovat instalace aktuálních vývojářských verzí na github actions. Zrovna tak, pokud reportujete nějaký problém, přesvěčte se prosím, že se vyskytuje rovněž v poslední vývojařské verzi a nebyl mezitím opraven.

List of changes since last release by contributor

Name (number-of-commits-in-2021)

Allan Nordhøy (4):

  • Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål)

Blueberry (3):

  • Translated using Weblate (Russian)

Fanda Vacek (66):

  • Ctrl+C action short-cut clash fixed
  • Class combo in runs made wider.
  • Windows installer will always show "Select installation directory page"
  • Import QBE event name check PostgreSql schema must start with letter and it may contain letters, digits and underscores only
  • [#642 fixed] Přiřazení čipu závodníkovi na síťované verzi QE2.4.0
  • QE importers do not call PSQL DB notify on each record save QE 2.4.1
  • Chybný import počtu závodníků jednotlivých etap #645 fixed root cause was wrong SQL query to count runners, the import itself was correct
  • Export multi-stage event results to HTML #650
  • QE 2.4.4 Log widget contains timestamp again see: Feature: Logovani aplikace #672
  • [#665 fixed] Nelze přidat neregistrovaného závodníka do štafety

Lukáš Paukert (27):

  • Translated using Weblate (Czech)
  • Improve start list layout
  • Do not show vacants SI
  • Add locale param to quickhttpd and quickshow
  • Update TS files with -no-obsolete option
  • Remove no longer used lctools
  • Update Qt version in GitHub actions
  • Add number of finished runners to results, close #242
  • Add BibNumber to IOF XML 3.0 startlist export
  • Fix HTML exports

Martin Horak (2):

  • Add tag for better look of html on mobile phones
  • Add QuickHTML - tool for generating HTML results.

Otakar Hirš (76):

  • fix TimeToClose shows zero, resolve #578
  • allow start and finnish codes to be zero, resolve #615
  • refactor AssignCardToRunner, resolve #574
  • fix event statistic NotPrintedTime column, close #418
  • do not show 3rd best time if not enough runners finished
  • refactor QDateTime to ISO 8601 with offset string
  • refactor autoprint
  • simplify EditOnPunch
  • allow negative TimeToClose, resolve #552
  • simplify plugin calls using getPlugin<>() function template
  • build quickevent as one binary
  • set Ok button as default in connect to db dialog
  • transform SiCard value from 0 to Empty in edit competitor widget
  • disallow automatic results overwrite, fix #636
  • Add unregistred runner | QSpinBox -> SiIdEdit
  • hide obsolete buttons, close #680
  • ... and much more

Tymofii Lytvynenko (6):

  • Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)

VoiToi (1):

  • PostgreSQL installation refined for beginners

arnost00 (26):

  • #471 - add support for daytime in printed start lists.
  • #471 - add support for daytime in HTML start lists.
  • #471 - fixed group name in print dialog.
  • #471 - improve HTML format, change function parameter type (bool -> enum)
  • #471 - Fixed calculation of start time in day time format (when start time exceed midnight)
  • #471 - Startlist for starters with h:mm:ss start time
  • #655 - rework EmmaClient finish and start export. Use mainly runs data. And SI card number only from runs.
  • Export for EmmaClient - add relay support for exportRadioCodes
  • EmmaClient - IOF XML v3 export - added clubs for runners
  • EmmaClient - fix radiocodes export for relays (crashed in Postgres).
  • IOF XML v3 export - added export of startlist in service EmmaClient - added clubs for runners in startlist
  • EmmaClient service - improve service UI, use filename from UI for all exports.
  • Relay - Add new runners dialog - fixed small problems : - remove runner filter on clean filter text, - show runners in 'Competitors' which are not in runs.
  • Relay - can add unregistered runner to relay - fix of #665 Fix missing disconnect in dialog destructor.

vtararin (9):

  • Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)

QuickEvent 2.3.9

24 Dec 15:21
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X-mas release


Hello to all the fans of QuickEvent. I wish you merry Christmas and happy New Year. This release is more about bug fixes and CI. Please note that we have the nightly builds with installers available via Actions now. I'm glad that some new localizations were added this year. Thanks to every contributor.

Zdravim vsechny priznivce programu QuickEvent a preji vsem hodne stesti, zdravi a lasky a at muzeme behat po lese, ono to spolu vse nejak souvisi. Chtel bych podekovat vsem prispevatelum, testerum a poradatelum. Letosni verze opravuje par chyb, ale neprinasi zadne nove killing features. Je to valnou merou zpusobeno tim, ze se letos moc zavodu nepodarilo uskutecnit.

Jedinou vetsi zmenou je, ze diky Otovi Hyrsovi, mame CI buildy, ktere vytvari automaticky instalacni verze z master vetve. Za to jsem velmi rad, protoze po opraveni chyby nemusi poradatele cekat na relaese, ale mohou si stahnout posledni verzi z Actions .

Take se dari loaklizovat QE do dalsich jazyku, coz svedci o tom, ze se program pomalu rozsiruje po Evrope. Na tomto ma zase velky podil Lukas Paukert.

Fanda Vacek


Author Issue
Fanda_Vacek Qt 5.15.2 warnings fixed
Fanda_Vacek some of deprecation warnings from Qt 5.15.1 fixed
Lukáš_Paukert Replace Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS macro with Q_OBJECT macro
Lukáš_Paukert Add Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS macro
vtararin Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Nathan Translated using Weblate (French)
Lukáš_Paukert Fix windows build
Simon_Picot Translated using Weblate (French)
Lukáš_Paukert Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Lukáš_Paukert TS files updated
Lukáš_Paukert Support for french localization
Simon_Picot Added translation using Weblate (French)
Lukáš_Paukert Fix #331, bad method was called
vtararin Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Lukáš_Paukert Support for ukrainian localization
vtararin Added translation using Weblate (Ukrainian)
arnost00 Fix issue #484 - Ask for confirm registration year in ORIS import
arnost00 Fix issue #588 - relay XML export.
Otakar_Hirs fix(build windows): replace xcopy for robocopy
Pavel_Pisa packaging: deb: Move QuickEvent binary and plugins install to /opt/quickevent directory.
Pavel_Pisa quckevent: add alternative desktop file for QuickEvent /opt install.
Artem Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Otakar_Hirs ci: make app names same strctured
Otakar_Hirs build(appimage): remove SLL and PostgreSQL libs
Otakar_Hirs style(Windows): use modern stylesheet for windows
Otakar_Hirs ci: automatic builds for linux and windows
Otakar_Hirs build(appimage): include SSL and Postgre libraries
Otakar_Hirs build(appimage): include translations files
Otakar_Hirs fix assigncard autoprint receipt

QuickEvent 2.3.8

20 Sep 08:27
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Change list

Author Change
Fanda Vacek main referee awards signature PNG added
Otakar Hirs github actions
Otakar Hirs fix incorrect slot names
Otakar Hirs fix exception due to typo in SQL string and resolve #424
Otakar Hirs correctly disable menu items, clean widget tables on eventClose
Otakar Hirs close event when connected to database #566
Otakar Hirs allow opening event if db is not empty #487
Pavel Pisa Packaging for Debian updated to reflect change of QML plugins to dynamic libraries.
Otakar Hirs allow clearing spinbox when editing SI card number
Otakar Hirs make spinbox number input independant of keyboard locale #66
Otakar Hirs beautify database connection dialog #501
Otakar Hirš added export for Liveresultat and Emma clinet to features
Otakar Hirš Update
Otakar Hirs fix open event cancelation
Otakar Hirs dissable menu if not connected to database
Otakar Hirs warn user that connection to database is needed #462
Otakar Hirs print sicard when assigning runner if autoprint is enabled #331

QuickEvent 2.3.7

10 Aug 07:47
Choose a tag to compare

Na teto verzi jsme uspesne usporadli HSH, tak by mela byt relativne bez chyb.

Presel jsem na novy integracni build system, bylo bych rad, kdyby nekdo instalacky vyzkousel, hlavne tu pro Windows, odesly mi posledni Windows ve virtualu a urcite si je uz nikdy vice v zivote nekoupim.

  • 3e85bc9 Fanda Vacek Mon Aug 10 09:34:11 2020 +0200 Save assigned SI option in assign card to runner dialog
  • 8ddcff6 Fanda Vacek Mon Aug 10 07:55:24 2020 +0200 Prepsani SI v karte Zavodnik prepise SI ve vsech etapach
  • 517c34f Fanda Vacek Sun Aug 9 22:05:19 2020 +0200 call lrelease in win build
  • 5140f38 Fanda Vacek Sat Aug 8 12:40:06 2020 +0200 covid awward
  • 0f1d0b2 Fanda Vacek Sat Aug 8 12:39:31 2020 +0200 transaction in edit competitor removed, since it stopped background tasks to work
  • f28c299 Fanda Vacek Sat Aug 8 12:38:37 2020 +0200 table view sort fixed for NULL
  • 7f57669 Fanda Vacek Mon Jul 6 19:14:46 2020 +0200 qt 5.15 deprecations fixed